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正宗印度咖哩, 一啲都唔正宗? 次次去旺角都几多条友拎住个牌, 就今日终于去试. 叫咗个 set lunch, 连 pilau rice 都冇? 啲鸡又干, 样样嘢都怪怪哋未, 连杯可乐都系. 从来未食过咁样 嘅咖哩. 咁嘅质素唔值𠮶个价钱, 服务又唔好. 觉得佢哋系揾游客来揾钱. 以后都唔会再去亦都唔会 recommend 人去. Not authentic at all, evertime when I go to Mong Kok I always see a guy holding a banner, then finally decided to try them out. Ordered a set lunch, didn't even have pilau rice. The chicken was dry, everything tasted weird, even the coke. Sticky tables, no hygiene at all. I'm not paying that price for that quality, place looks sha
Not authentic at all, evertime when I go to Mong Kok I always see a guy holding a banner, then finally decided to try them out. Ordered a set lunch, didn't even have pilau rice. The chicken was dry, everything tasted weird, even the coke. Sticky tables, no hygiene at all. I'm not paying that price for that quality, place looks shady too.