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今次要介绍嘅餐厅系位于中环交易广场嘅Rise by Classified,系一间服务周到嘅咖啡店 。之前介绍过尖沙咀嘅分店,今次介绍返中环嘅分店。而最近佢哋仲推出咗Happy Hour时段,务求为食客带来一个新体验,亦都吸引咗我哋首次于傍晚时段到访。Rise by Classified is a cafe located in Central Exchange Square, specializes in varioys kinds of pastries. Recently, Rise by Classified launched the Happy Hour period, to deliver a new dining experience. This attracts us to visit in the evening for the first time.◾Baked Ravioli $125意大利馄饨内里包裹住蘑菇蓉,面粉饼富弹性,大小适中。表面撒上大量嘅芝士,令味道增添少量咸香,而质感都更丰富。The ravioli is wrapped in mushroom pas
Rise by Classified is a cafe located in Central Exchange Square, specializes in varioys kinds of pastries. Recently, Rise by Classified launched the Happy Hour period, to deliver a new dining experience. This attracts us to visit in the evening for the first time.
Baked Ravioli $125
The ravioli is wrapped in mushroom paste. The dough of the ravioli tastes springy, and it's of a one-bite size. With the addition of truffle cheese, it brings the milky aroma, and enriches the texture.
Mushroom Skewers $60
King oyster mushrooms are seasoned with balsamic vinegar, which highlights the sweetness of the mushroom. It is appreciated that the grilling of mushroom skewers preserves the juicy texture of the king oyster mushrooms well.
Cheese Sticks $60
炸车打芝士当然系 Happy Hour 嘅必备小食之一,质感外脆内软,芝士呈拉丝状态,略加茄汁能减少油腻感。
Cheese sticks are certainly one of the must-order snacks during Happy Hour. The soft and chewy cheddar cheese is wrapped with a crunchy surface. A dip of ketchup removes the greasiness of the cheese stick.
Mini Stromboli $60
Stromboli 其实就系披萨包饼,以卷状去呈现披萨。内里材料包口火腿、芝士、芝麻等,质感软熟味道可口。当然,我哋始终偏好正常嘅披萨。
Stromboli is actually a pizza wrap. It includes gammon ham, mozzarella, spring onion and sesame etc. It tastes soft and delicious, but we prefer an ordinary pizza more.
Espresso Martini $45 / Pink Coco $48
Espresso Martini 味道甘苦中带辛口,颇为新奇嘅组合。Pink Coco 以椰子水配上西瓜汁,味道清甜。
The Espresso Martina tastes bitter and spicy at the same time, which is a surprising combination. Pink Coco is a mixture of coconut water and watermelon juice, which gives a refreshingly sweet flavour.
Rise by Classified