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呢几年越黎越多人食omakase,感觉比较高贵,不过好多都要过千仲要有时食唔饱🤕上网见到 @sushimasa 做紧寿司放题,决定试下值唔值啦😎 鮨政嘅中环分店已经开左4年,主打呢个$499一位嘅放题,仲可以以$659升级去有海胆、拖罗同三文鱼子嘅放题套餐💓 餐牌上有多过40样料理比你任拣,当中包括即叫即握嘅寿司、手卷、炸物、刺身、面食同埋甜品🥳 呢个价钱食到咁高质素嘅食材真心抵,所以平日夜晚都排晒长龙,所以大家记住book位呀🙈Sushi Masa in Central has been providing an all you can eat menu priced at $499 and $659 if you want unlimited uni, salmon roe and toro too. There are a variety of sushi, rolls, hot dishes and more. 放题嘅时限系90分钟,上菜速度都算唔错,一坐低每人都会先享用一碟八贯嘅拼盘,里面包括净系海胆同三文鱼籽军舰,两者都海水味十足🌊 大拖罗有雪花般嘅脂肪分布,入口即溶🤤 另
Sushi Masa in Central has been providing an all you can eat menu priced at $499 and $659 if you want unlimited uni, salmon roe and toro too. There are a variety of sushi, rolls, hot dishes and more.
放题嘅时限系90分钟,上菜速度都算唔错,一坐低每人都会先享用一碟八贯嘅拼盘,里面包括净系海胆同三文鱼籽军舰,两者都海水味十足🌊 大拖罗有雪花般嘅脂肪分布,入口即溶🤤 另外有餐牌上揾唔到嘅深海池鱼、醋鲭鱼同甘香肥美嘅鳗鱼,真系好想嗌多几碟🍱 顺带一提,佢地好多食材都由日本空运到港,有一定嘅质素保证👍🏼
Everyone will first get a platter of sushi including the ones you can only get in the $659 menu, as well as some off menu items like eel sushi.
跟住我地第一轮叫左5款寿司同2款军舰,当中最钟意就系开胃惹味嘅芥末八爪鱼军舰同埋炙烧三文鱼寿司,用火枪轻轻喺面头烧一烧可以带出鱼油脂嘅甘香🐟 刺身虽然得甜虾同三文鱼,但食得出好新鲜,三文鱼肥美肉厚,可以encore😉 最后仲试埋香葱吞拿鱼蓉手卷,绵密嘅手打吞拿鱼配上薄脆嘅海苔口感一流🍙
Then we got to order the things we wanted, and my favourites were wasabi octopus gunkan and the seared salmon. Note that everything is made to order, so the seaweed on them kept its crunch. The hand roll was filled with mellow tuna paste, which was made in house.
热食方面叫左用唐扬炸鸡、池鱼同埋炸蚝🦪 做得比想像中出色,啱啱炸起嘅炸外皮金黄酥脆,一啲油腻感都无🍤 炸鸡用左德岛县最出名嘅阿波尾鸡,难怪食落咁嫩滑啦🐥 寿司食到有啲腻所以叫左碗拉面,里面有一块炙烧过嘅鲷鱼同埋弹牙嘅拉面,细细碗咁上就唔洗惊塞饱自己啦🍜
For hot dishes we got some fried snacks, including their infamous Awa Odori fried chicken. They also had ramen, which came in small servings so you won’t have to worry about filling up on them.
店员提我地就快last order,即刻嗱嗱声落甜品🤣 佢地有两款选择,烟靭嘅抹茶蕨饼同埋芝士蛋糕,临上碟时前会将面头嘅忌廉烧一烧,为滑润嘅蛋糕添加一丝焦香🍰
Although they only had two options for desserts, they were unexpectedly good. The warabi mochi was chewy, and the cheesecake was creamy with a seared brûlée top.