2024-07-21 1975 浏览
2024年6月29日, 今日黎到BHC 旺角店食野其实我地系之前已经打过去book 位咁店员就同我地讲 你地3个人 唔洗book 枱 要walk inok fine咁当日18:30上到去全场都唔系好满 多数都系游客食内心有一下系feel 到不妙既但都同自己讲系错觉 唔好担心咁多咁BHC 个芝士球都出名 但佢唔俾人叫一个小食 只可以系chicken set 出现2粒咁当下都少少问号系个头上面 : 下 咩年代仲玩呢D 听闻系招牌菜黎 仲玩限量 同埋先系18:30 咋wor咁我地都照叫左果个set 黎食 果个Set就有 一份鸡+2粒芝士球+一兜薯条+一盘沙律 咁地另外叫左一个鱼糕汤食咁食物都正正常常 但唔系好好食一定要黎食果只 但讲到佢Dservice 真系火滚间野好多非香港人既员工大部分都剩系识讲英文食到一半连鱼糕汤都未上 佢行黎我度问我can I take the chair? 当时我地3个人坐4个人枱但佢个埸仲有空枱 我真系O晒嘴果下 算 好人行善积德 俾佢拎俾佢拎完已经觉得莫名奇妙 我地又唔系坐好出你系要行入黎问我地拎凳咁当时我都系当一个小插曲 冇特别在意如是者 我同朋友继续边倾边食
2024年6月29日, 今日黎到BHC 旺角店食野
其实我地系之前已经打过去book 位
咁店员就同我地讲 你地3个人 唔洗book 枱 要walk in
ok fine
咁当日18:30上到去全场都唔系好满 多数都系游客食
内心有一下系feel 到不妙既
但都同自己讲系错觉 唔好担心咁多
咁BHC 个芝士球都出名 但佢唔俾人叫一个小食 只可以系chicken set 出现2粒
咁当下都少少问号系个头上面 : 下 咩年代仲玩呢D 听闻系招牌菜黎 仲玩限量 同埋先系18:30 咋wor
咁我地都照叫左果个set 黎食 果个Set就有 一份鸡+2粒芝士球+一兜薯条+一盘沙律 咁地另外叫左一个鱼糕汤食
咁食物都正正常常 但唔系好好食一定要黎食果只 但讲到佢Dservice 真系火滚
食到一半连鱼糕汤都未上 佢行黎我度问我can I take the chair? 当时我地3个人坐4个人枱
但佢个埸仲有空枱 我真系O晒嘴果下 算 好人行善积德 俾佢拎
俾佢拎完已经觉得莫名奇妙 我地又唔系坐好出
咁当时我都系当一个小插曲 冇特别在意
如是者 我同朋友继续边倾边食 咁我已经食到8成饱 唔系几想食到太full 而枱面大部分食物都仲有剩
果个拎凳店员又黎啦 又黎啦 are you finish?
果下真系火都黎 我同朋友at least 沉默左2分钟 佢still asking : are you finish?
果下完全冇晒心机系度食饭 仲要隔离枱 早过我地入黎都冇咁问are you finish
完全系赶客 果阵未到19:30 入座唔够一个钟
明显想早些把我们打发走 服务态度实在不敬 餐体验大大折损。
呢间野冇下次 试一次都嫌多
On June 29, 2024, I went to the BHC restaurant in Mong Kok for a meal.
We had actually made a reservation beforehand, but the staff told us that since there were 3 of us, we didn't need a reservation and could just walk in.
Okay, fine.
When we arrived around 6:30pm, the place wasn't too crowded, mostly just tourists dining.
I had a feeling something was off, but I told myself it was just my imagination and not to worry too much.
The cheese balls at BHC are known to be good, but they don't allow you to order them as a side dish - they can only be found in the chicken set.
Anyway, we still ordered the set, which came with a piece of chicken, 2 cheese balls, a portion of fries, and a small salad. We also ordered a fish cake soup on the side.
The food was alright, nothing exceptional but decent enough. However, the service was completely unsatisfactory.
Most of the staff were non-Hong Kong employees who only knew how to speak English.
Halfway through the meal, the soup still hadn't arrived. A staff member came and asked if they could take a chair from our table - we  3 were seated at a 4-person table, even though there were empty tables available. I was quite bewildered, but I just let them take it, thinking it was just a minor incident.
I continued chatting and eating with my friends. I was about 80% full and didn't want to overeat, so there was still quite a bit of food left on the table.
The same staff member came back again and again, asking "Are you finished?" At least 2 minutes of awkward silence passed as they kept pressing us.
This completely ruined our dining experience. The staff were clearly trying to hurry us out, even though we hadn't even been there for an hour yet. Their service attitude was utterly disrespectful.
I have no intention of returning to this place - once was more than enough.
2024년 6월 29일, 오늘 BHC 왕립 매장에 가서 식사를 했습니다.
사실 우리는 미리 예약을 했었죠.
그런데 직원이 우리 3명이라며 예약할 필요 없이 직접 오시라고 했습니다.
그래서 괜찮다고 생각하며 18:30에 도착했습니다. 전체적으로 가득 차지 않았고 대부분 관광객들이 식사를 하고 있었습니다.
마음 속으로 좋지 않은 느낌이 들었지만, 잘못된 생각이라고 스스로 안심했습니다.
BHC의 치즈볼이 유명하다고 들었지만, 단품으로는 시키지 않고 치킨 세트에서만 2개 제공된다고 합니다.
그래서 우리는 그 세트를 주문했고, 치킨, 치즈볼 2개, 감자튀김, 샐러드가 제공되었습니다.
그리고 별도로 어묵탕도 시켰습니다.
음식 자체는 괜찮았지만, 정말 맛있다고 할 수는 없었습니다. 하지만 서비스가 정말 별로였습니다.
직원들 대부분이 영어만 할 줄 알았고, 저희가 식사 중에 직원이 와서 "의자를 가져가도 되나요?"라고 물었습니다. 우리 3명이 4인 테이블에 앉아 있었는데, 빈 테이블이 있었음에도 불구하고 말입니다.
이해할 수 없었지만, 괜찮다고 말씀드렸습니다.
그런데 직원이 의자를 가져간 후에도, 우리가 잘못된 자리에 앉아있다는 듯이 다시 와서 물어보더군요.
이때 완전 짜증이 났습니다. 우리가 아직 식사 중이었는데, 너무 일찍 퇴거를 시키려는 것 같았기 때문입니다.
결국 음식의 맛도 그저 그랬고, 서비스 태도도 매우 불손했습니다. 이런 경험은 다시 하고 싶지 않습니다.
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$250 (晚餐)