2009-04-20 12 浏览
看了众多好的评语,决定在结婚周年来庆祝.但没想过其食物跟服务竟如此差劣!(1) 我们十二时到达,已不算多人客,但等了数分钟才有人带位!(2) 坐下来,服务生来倒水...怎料倒潟在我老公只手上! 好彩不是热水啫!(3) 被倒湿后打算入厕所,但餐厅内没有Signage for washroom,所以我老公见到有扇门咪问店员 (大概是清洁阿姐),她竟然没礼貌的答, "自己打开晜咪知啰", 真是气坏人!(4) 吃完前菜, 主菜, 枱上仍有很多面包碎,但他们没有清理一下,便把甜点抬出.(5) 本来,我在订立时已叫他们在甜点碟上写上"Happy Anniversary" 字句, 但他们竟然没有按指示做... 本想给老公一个惊喜,但最后只给我们一肚气!(6) 服务已经令人发指,食物也出奇令人失望! 我们要了个Potato Chowder... 味道跟中式汤差不多,稀丁丁的... 叫了Pork Chop肉质"鞋"得要命...由于Via Quadronno是一间international chain store,所以本人打算跟其HQ (http://www.viaquadronno.com) 反应一下.

(1) 我们十二时到达,已不算多人客,但等了数分钟才有人带位!
(2) 坐下来,服务生来倒水...怎料倒潟在我老公只手上! 好彩不是热水啫!
(3) 被倒湿后打算入厕所,但餐厅内没有Signage for washroom,所以我老公见到有扇门咪问店员 (大概是清洁阿姐),她竟然没礼貌的答, "自己打开晜咪知啰", 真是气坏人!
(4) 吃完前菜, 主菜, 枱上仍有很多面包碎,但他们没有清理一下,便把甜点抬出.
(5) 本来,我在订立时已叫他们在甜点碟上写上"Happy Anniversary" 字句, 但他们竟然没有按指示做... 本想给老公一个惊喜,但最后只给我们一肚气!
(6) 服务已经令人发指,食物也出奇令人失望! 我们要了个Potato Chowder... 味道跟中式汤差不多,稀丁丁的... 叫了Pork Chop肉质"鞋"得要命...

由于Via Quadronno是一间international chain store,所以本人打算跟其HQ (http://www.viaquadronno.com) 反应一下...
可惜的是, 我写了封Complain letter for 2 months, 一些回覆也没有...

Here's my complain wrote to "info@viaquadronno.com"
"To whom it may concern, I'm writing to express my disappointments experienced in your restaurant in IFC, Hong Kong, dated 12th February, 2009. It was my 3rd wedding anniversary, therefore I've picked the renowned Via Quadronno on this special day. I have made the reservation for lunch on 12th February, and requested for putting some celebration words on the plate for desserts. After reading some reviews and your website, which emphasis on hospitality and quality, we were anticipating an enjoyable moment dining in your restaurant. However, out of our expectation, what we experienced was an unpleasant one! First of all, I guess the staff may be too stressful to serve the whole restaurant, as there was only about 3 waiters in lunch time serving for about 30 capacity diners, that made them not so cheerful and helpful. When one of the waiter poured water for us, he even carelessly dropped the water on my husband's hand, which the waiter even could not realize. We were lucky, as this is only cold water! After that, when my husband went to the washroom, but there's no signage for direction, so he stopped by a side door and asked one of the cleaning lady from your restaurant, if this was the men's washroom, to his surprise, the lady answered in a rude tone, "You go and find it out yourself!" This was shocking to us to receive such response!! After we have finished the main course, the waiter immediately gave us the desserts and drinks without cleaning up the table not until we requested for, as there was some leftover for bread. Also, for my request during my reservation, I have already asked them to prepare some celebration words with Chocolates on the plate, however, they did not fulfil this as promised, so we need to wait again for their "artwork". I cannot believe this kind of poor services provided in a renowned restaurant, which is located in the prestigious CBD shopping mall. And the staff of the restaurant show no passionate towards their work.For a diner, not only the food is important to us, but also the way it's served.For a high class restaurant, not only with the nice decorations and costly menu, but the good quality of food, as well as the services."

(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
$200 (午餐)