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疏乎厘班戟在香港的热潮也接近走到尾声, 就算是这家第一家从日本打入香港的店家, 也无可避免要接受客人冷清的经历, 无他, 通关后我拿着香港店一般的价钱, 可以吃到比香港店更好质素的同类食物, 试问有谁愿意继续留港消费. 以原味为例, 见证着价钱由不用$100升到接近$120, 在日本多吃几个, 连机票也可以省下来. 虽说如此, 这店的水准依然是全香港最高的, 就算是同一家为例, 最好的依然是这家, 而最参差的沙田店也逃不过结业的厄运. 说回其疏乎厘班戟, 就是蛋香够, 外皮Q弹, 内里松软而Flurry, 但不会完全只有空气, 这些平衡看似简单, 但做起来在香港并不容易. 另外我最爱的当然是其忌廉, 不只是死甜, 而是甜中有奶香, 口感如丝般顺滑, 伴起来将班戟里面的空间填满, 又是另一种吃法和享受. The souffle pancake trend in Hong Kong is fading, even for the first Japanese shop in the city. People prefer better quality food at lower price
The souffle pancake trend in Hong Kong is fading, even for the first Japanese shop in the city. People prefer better quality food at lower prices, making it difficult for businesses to thrive. Prices have risen, while in Japan, one can enjoy the same food and save on airfare. Despite this, the shop remains the best in Hong Kong, with its perfectly balanced pancakes: fragrant, crispy, and fluffy. The cream is a favorite, not overly sweet but with a creamy taste. The experience is enjoyable, but the declining interest in Hong Kong's souffle pancakes is undeniable.