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成日都觉得点解台湾嘅小食好似好食过香港𠮶啲咁多咁,又或者可能我已经食厌咗香港嘅小食lu~今次试吓呢一间新开嘅台式小食小店 @hakpo_alley 💛铺头位置唔算特别方便,名副其实系黑布街入边嘅小巷~不过小巷入边都有少少位置比大家坐低食,始终呢啲多士都系新鲜热辣辣即叫即食好啲嘅,加上多士本身唔系特别脆,怕拎走食会淋晒嘛🤪其实仲有其他小食同糖水,好似地瓜球同芋圆,今次冇机会试,下次再试吓先~.Taiwanese street foods like the fried chicken or the onion pancakes are hands down one of the best street food in the world 🌍 decided to try this taiwanese street food place in Mong kok called @hakpo_alley which serves taiwanese style toasted sandwiches😋 its not a big shop but we highly suggest u eat i
Taiwanese street foods like the fried chicken or the onion pancakes are hands down one of the best street food in the world 🌍 decided to try this taiwanese street food place in Mong kok called @hakpo_alley which serves taiwanese style toasted sandwiches😋 its not a big shop but we highly suggest u eat it immediately once u get it 😆 overall, even though its a bit pricy, but its worth checking out! Also great for instagram 😂
《台式肉蛋吐司》$46 😋😋😋
见到呢个多士嘅description都已经觉得好吸引,有流心蛋、美国谷料猪,秘制酱汁同腌料!唔知睇相睇唔睇得出,但食落无论系流心蛋定系秘制酱汁,都会一路食一路滴,好juicy~咬落去第一啖的感觉有少少似喺韩国食嘅issac toast,甜甜地,应该落咗少少蜜糖!猪扒偏薄,但都几有咬口。整体来讲,所有嘢加埋一齐系好夹,好好食嘅~但又未至于我会当佢做小食咁成日食,始终真系有少少腻,间唔中食一次就OK喇~🤪
黑布小巷 @hakpo_alley
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