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环境,服务,食物都对得住Michelin三粒星。由make reservation, arrival到bill都令人觉得好轻松愉快。Waiters were very observant and sincere. They knew when and what to serve throughout the dining experience. 虽然dinner系贵side既Michelin, 而lunch相对系a good bargain, 不过两个menu唔一样,有啲我地想食既dishes系dinner exclusive (😆We actually went there in April 2021, too lazy to ✍️🙊). Overall, 未试绝对要试(except wine😂). 试过可以再去(我去𠮶晚有几枱系常客😆)。大家都好识食。
虽然dinner系贵side既Michelin, 而lunch相对系a good bargain, 不过两个menu唔一样,有啲我地想食既dishes系dinner exclusive (😆We actually went there in April 2021, too lazy to ✍️🙊).
Overall, 未试绝对要试(except wine😂). 试过可以再去(我去𠮶晚有几枱系常客😆)。大家都好识食。
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