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话说朕上星期参与了公司一个 event,选址圆方的「Wildfire」。是日包半场,嘈餐懵都唔怕。「Smoked Salmon Roll filled with Fresh Prawn, Mascarpone Cream Cheese and Dutch Cumcuber」一向喜爱三文鱼;香料足,没有渣,是个不错的开始。「Leek Potato Soap with Black Truffle Cream and Cayenne Crouton」黑松露汤头鲜甜,入口幽香和大蒜味也配合得宜。「Pan-fried Fillet of Barramundi served with New Potatoes, Baby Spinach and White Balsamic Cream Sauce」澳洲鱼柳煎得爽而不腻,鱼肉是吃得出的鲜滑,我个人就很喜爱这个。「Oven Roasted Chicken Breast filled with Duck Liver, Honey Chestnuts and Chicken Demi-glaze」一向喜欢 demi-glaze 的肉汁;尝了一口,可惜
「Smoked Salmon Roll filled with Fresh Prawn, Mascarpone Cream Cheese and Dutch Cumcuber」 一向喜爱三文鱼;香料足,没有渣,是个不错的开始。
「Leek Potato Soap with Black Truffle Cream and Cayenne Crouton」 黑松露汤头鲜甜,入口幽香和大蒜味也配合得宜。
「Pan-fried Fillet of Barramundi served with New Potatoes, Baby Spinach and White Balsamic Cream Sauce」
「Oven Roasted Chicken Breast filled with Duck Liver, Honey Chestnuts and Chicken Demi-glaze」 一向喜欢 demi-glaze 的肉汁;尝了一口,可惜鸡肉略嫌干,不是本人杯茶。
「Penne with Chorizo Zucchini and Cherry Tomatoes」 酱浓味重,肉料鲜甜,长通粉亦煮得够咬口。
「12" American Pizza」
这个没有试,卖相也的确够豪气及抵吃,横切面是面盘那样大!薄皮的 pizza 也很讨人欢喜。
「Pavlova with Strawberries and Passion Fruit Sauce」 Pavlova 就是澳州蛋白甜饼,这 甜品算坊间甚少见,卖相精致不太死甜,也让人吃得很满足,