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来自台湾的 筑间酸菜鱼 登陆铜锣湾,以各款坊间少见的汤底为主打,致力研发连汤都能喝的酸菜鱼。招牌菜 总长酸菜鱼 最能够感受筑间的招牌汤底,由柴鱼昆布汤、指天椒、青花椒等多种食材熬制而成,麻、酸、辣三味平衡,酸菜酸脆爽口,没有刺鼻的酸味。此外,餐厅还提供多款独门汤底,包括清爽酸甜的纯爱番茄鱼,及以嘉义沙锅鱼作发想打破沙锅鱼等,满足不同客人的口味需求。Hailing from Taiwan, Jhu Jian Suan Cai Yu is tantalising taste buds with its signature boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chilli, which is made of kombu and bonito broth, chilies and Sichuan peppercorns. The result is an explosion of flavors that perfectly balances the fiery heat, tantalizing sourness, and numbing spicine
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