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两年前系new york食过 @steamriceroll 之后就爱上左石磨肠粉!(如果有机会去New York嘅话一定要试呀!!)近年香港越开越多石磨肠粉,啱晒我想食light小小嘅时候食!今次介绍嘅呢一间@fengming_original 我已经食过好几次,我觉得系我喺香港暂时食过最薄最滑嘅石磨肠粉~呢度最特别嘅系除咗有白米之外,仲有得拣红米同黑米~而我几次帮衬都系weekend去观塘分店,人流多加上即叫即整,所以都要预时间等呀~.Recently there has been a surge of steamed rice roll places popping up in Hong Kong 🇭🇰 and im absolutely loving it 😆 ive tried @fengming_original several times already and i think they have the thinnest and smoothest steam rice rolled in HK 😋 also other than white rice they also
Recently there has been a surge of steamed rice roll places popping up in Hong Kong 🇭🇰 and im absolutely loving it 😆 ive tried @fengming_original several times already and i think they have the thinnest and smoothest steam rice rolled in HK 😋 also other than white rice they also have red and black rice rolls to choose from! it does take a bit of time so you can grab another snack while you waiting 😂
《红米鸡蛋猪肉肠》$25 😋😋😋
虽然呢度同我平时喺佐敦食开嘅 #浓姐石磨肠粉 价钱差唔多,但呢度份量明显少啲,浓姐我食完真系有饱肚嘅感觉,可以当一餐,但呢度嘅话可能就系一个小食。另外,如果你话系堂食嘅话店员会帮你到埋豉油,个人觉得啲肠粉都几吸豉油,所以食完觉得有少少太过咸,下次有机会再食嘅话可以叫少豉油。
凤鸣石磨肠粉 𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 @fengming_original
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