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吉列熟成豚肉眼定食 ($200)Deep-fried aged pork rib eye setPorker嘅吉列猪排用到鹿儿岛嘅三元豚 由三种猪混种而成吉列嘅部分所用到嘅面包糠唔单止金黄香脆仲好轻盈肉眼系咁多种猪排入面最肥嘅选择 入面虽然半肥瘦偏油腻 但系肥膏旁边嘅肉系最软滑嘅 只要轻轻力就可以咬开啲猪排 而且肉味浓郁肉汁好多旁边嘅椰菜丝可以配上紫苏汁解腻Porker specialises in katsu pork made with meat from Kagoshima.The outer layer is coated with bread crumbs that are golden brown and incredibly crispy. Surprisingly it’s also very light and not oily at all.The rib eye option is the fattiest of all - with a 50:50 ratio of fat to meat. This means that each bite contains
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吉列熟成豚肉眼定食 ($200)
Deep-fried aged pork rib eye set
Porker嘅吉列猪排用到鹿儿岛嘅三元豚 由三种猪混种而成
肉眼系咁多种猪排入面最肥嘅选择 入面虽然半肥瘦偏油腻 但系肥膏旁边嘅肉系最软滑嘅 只要轻轻力就可以咬开啲猪排 而且肉味浓郁肉汁好多
Porker specialises in katsu pork made with meat from Kagoshima.
The outer layer is coated with bread crumbs that are golden brown and incredibly crispy. Surprisingly it’s also very light and not oily at all.
The rib eye option is the fattiest of all - with a 50:50 ratio of fat to meat. This means that each bite contains a certain amount of fat, but the surrounding meat is also extra tender, with plenty of meat juices and a rich flavour.
The cabbage on the side can be paired with the perilla sauce to take away some of the oiliness.
Yums 8/10 👅
Worth 7.5/10 👍🏻