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Cafe Life说是Cafe, 咖啡对我来说比不上它的糕点, 由日本师傅松冈先生主理, 最出名的当然是他用上不同日本水果处理的蛋糕. 像是今次点的虎纹蜜柑蛋卷, 蛋香够浓, 蛋糕口感湿润, 奶油也够顺滑. 可惜的是来自静冈的蜜柑酸度偏重, 而且柑络不少, 口感有点粗糙, 吃起来不如蛋糕够舒服. 接近酒店饼房的定价, 也令我对介之前有点犹豫.最吸引我的反而是法国传统甜品圣托佩塔 (Tarte Tropézienne), 源于法国蔚蓝海岸Saint Tropez的同名糕点, 简单来说就是两个法国甜包(Brioche)之间夹着甜奶油, 件头大份, 奶油层香滑中带舒服的云呢拿香味, Brioche雪冻后半硬的口感有点似莎莉蛋糕, 加上蛋糕表面的果仁, 没有之前蛋糕的外表吸引和用料上乘, 但味道和口感配合起来表现更好, 想不到在这和风风格十足的糕点店, 吃到甚为正宗的法国甜点.Cafe Life is operated by Japanese Pastry Chef Mr. Matsuoka. His pastry is must more famous than coffee. He is
最吸引我的反而是法国传统甜品圣托佩塔 (Tarte Tropézienne), 源于法国蔚蓝海岸Saint Tropez的同名糕点, 简单来说就是两个法国甜包(Brioche)之间夹着甜奶油, 件头大份, 奶油层香滑中带舒服的云呢拿香味, Brioche雪冻后半硬的口感有点似莎莉蛋糕, 加上蛋糕表面的果仁, 没有之前蛋糕的外表吸引和用料上乘, 但味道和口感配合起来表现更好, 想不到在这和风风格十足的糕点店, 吃到甚为正宗的法国甜点.
Cafe Life is operated by Japanese Pastry Chef Mr. Matsuoka. His pastry is must more famous than coffee. He is good at using Japanese fruit in his pastry. I have ordered the Mandarin orange egg roll. The texture of egg roll is excellent but the orange is a bit sour and rough that affect the taste and texture. My favorite is Tarte Tropézienne. It is wonderful to enjoy such traditional French pastry in a Japanese pastry shop. Tarte Tropézienne is made by brioche with cream inside. Simple taste but you should never miss it.