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吃罢Asaya Kitchen, 也就代表我吃完了Rosewood香港酒店内的所有餐厅. 这里餐厅的数目和种类也比同类的高级酒店更多, 自然也更多元化. Asaya Kitchen说是地中海风的意大利菜餐厅, 吃起来相对舒服, 菜式设计大路而舒服, 像是一开始的Focaccia, 比一般的口感更松软, 在中间让入小蕃茄, 味道微酸而舒服, 配上鹰嘴豆蓉和橄榄油, 味道饱足而舒服. 小吃的油浸橄榄和煎八爪鱼饼, 前者够香后者偏腍, 可以再脆一点. 烤鳟鱼及鲈鱼口感实在而不易散, 油香甘醇而不太腻, 最重要是烤的火候, 从鱼皮的工整可见到其恰到好处.After dining at Asaya Kitchen, it means that I have tried all the restaurants within Rosewood Hong Kong hotel. The number and variety of restaurants here are greater than those found in similar luxury hotels, making it more
After dining at Asaya Kitchen, it means that I have tried all the restaurants within Rosewood Hong Kong hotel. The number and variety of restaurants here are greater than those found in similar luxury hotels, making it more diverse. Asaya Kitchen is described as a Mediterranean-style Italian restaurant, and the food is relatively comforting. The dishes are designed to be straightforward and comfortable, such as the Focaccia at the beginning. It has a softer texture compared to the average, with small tomatoes in the middle that add a slightly sour and pleasant taste. Accompanied by chickpea puree and olive oil, it provides a satisfying and comfortable flavor. The oil-soaked olives and fried octopus cakes as appetizers are fragrant and the latter is slightly greasy, but it could be crispier. The grilled trout and sea bass have a firm and cohesive texture, and the oil fragrance is rich without being overly heavy. The most important aspect is the grilling precision, as evidenced by the neatness of the fish skin, indicating that it is cooked to perfection.