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坑新客游客 随意叫价 没有很好喝 OpenRice上20多HKD的祛湿茶卖了我50 做生意没一点诚意诚信 不想做可以不做 生意不好可以去搞研发 因此我也十分怀疑该商家用料是否也扎实 之前是否有各种违规商业行为 各位食客一定小心避雷考虑挂其他平台并报相关部门买凉茶建议去别家The new customers and tourists are scammed by the overprice and the drink is not very good.On OpenRice it is 20HKD but the woman at the front desk sold me at 50HKD. This branch runs without sincerity and honesty. Therefore, I am also skeptical of the ingredients they use. Thinking about to post this on other SNS platforms and report to the department in charge
The new customers and tourists are scammed by the overprice and the drink is not very good.
On OpenRice it is 20HKD but the woman at the front desk sold me at 50HKD. This branch runs without sincerity and honesty. Therefore, I am also skeptical of the ingredients they use. Thinking about to post this on other SNS platforms and report to the department in charge.
Avoid, at all cost!!