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想不到豪隍会在太古城开分店, 虽然只是在Food Court之中. 除了同声同气之外, 也为在太古居住和工作的人, 例如我, 有一个吃点心的较便宜而高质的选择. 美心集团的水准就算了吧! 西苑定位则比较高昂. 没有加一, 茶介便宜, 装修相当简单, 也提供下午茶时段, 以大型商场食肆来说定价也是算佛心.点了四道点心连茶介大约一百元, 最出名的当然是大大粒虾饺和烧卖, 份量是一般茶楼的两倍. 皮薄馅多, 虾肉比猪肉多得多, 虾味鲜度不错, 吃得满足. 牛肉肠的肠粉同样够薄, 牛肉肉馅不会滑得如浆一样, 依然保持肉粒的口感, 相对自然. 马拉糕甘甜而口感松软, 点心即叫即蒸, 等候需时, 但热烫烫的点心, 又会难食到哪里?Caterking Dim Sum is the restaurant focused on dim sum at Kwun Tong, unlike traditional Cantonese restaurant, she doesn’t have 10% service charge and the deco is much more simple. The shr
点了四道点心连茶介大约一百元, 最出名的当然是大大粒虾饺和烧卖, 份量是一般茶楼的两倍. 皮薄馅多, 虾肉比猪肉多得多, 虾味鲜度不错, 吃得满足. 牛肉肠的肠粉同样够薄, 牛肉肉馅不会滑得如浆一样, 依然保持肉粒的口感, 相对自然. 马拉糕甘甜而口感松软, 点心即叫即蒸, 等候需时, 但热烫烫的点心, 又会难食到哪里?
Caterking Dim Sum is the restaurant focused on dim sum at Kwun Tong, unlike traditional Cantonese restaurant, she doesn’t have 10% service charge and the deco is much more simple. The shrimp dun sum and siu mai is very big and nice, with more shrimp than traditional one. It is worthy trying. Opening in Taikoo definitely is a good news for those working and living here.