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传统中式茶楼新鲜出”笼”点心 份量大好味道价钱合理-It’s hiking season! Tai Mo Shan is a very popular route for hiking newbie and you should not miss the YUM CHA when you go for this route! Duen Kee is a traditional chinese restaurant that you can serve yourself with your seats and tea and food! All food are quite big in portion and freshly cooked! It is quite windy at the outdoor seat, mind that your food may therefore get cold easily! -秋高气爽系时候约埋朋友周围行吓山睇靓景🏔 行山之余当然不忘觅美食🤩 大帽山路径尚算轻松系唔少行山新手之选🏃🏻♀️而川龙嘅端记茶楼都系必食!!叉烧包超大件 饱身松软馅料又
新鲜出”笼”点心 份量大好味道价钱合理
It’s hiking season! Tai Mo Shan is a very popular route for hiking newbie and you should not miss the YUM CHA when you go for this route! Duen Kee is a traditional chinese restaurant that you can serve yourself with your seats and tea and food! All food are quite big in portion and freshly cooked! It is quite windy at the outdoor seat, mind that your food may therefore get cold easily!
秋高气爽系时候约埋朋友周围行吓山睇靓景🏔 行山之余当然不忘觅美食🤩 大帽山路径尚算轻松系唔少行山新手之选🏃🏻♀️而川龙嘅端记茶楼都系必食!!
叉烧包超大件 饱身松软馅料又多🥟 鸡扎一样大大件有鸡有火腿有冬菇包得咁大份就知佢足料🐤 必试茶果!! 系店家自家制作 当日我地食左莲蓉馅 平时都有红豆 虾米萝卜丝等等好多花款🤤 其他野食样样都唔错👏🏻 最后要讲埋我最爱嘅烧卖 作为烧卖关注组成员去到边都要试烧卖!! 包得大大只 皮嘅颜色好靓 馅料实净又有弹性 味道出色啱晒心水🥰
端记茶楼真系好多人 门口泊满晒车 茶楼有地下同阁楼两层 都算几多枱! 自助服务自己揾位冲茶攞野食 听到嗌咪有咩野食出炉就可以去攞㗎啦😆 少少值得留意系阁楼户外位置比较大风 野食可能会吹得冻左 钟意热食嘅可以留意坐室内更加好👍🏻 最后临走前揾店员数下枱上嘅碟就可以埋数 食完饱晒捧住个肚每人食咗50蚊 好抵食啦😍!!