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够胆在之前疫情肆虐时开店, 这家主打本土小炒的餐厅终于挨出头来, 在星期日的晚上, 无论是头轮, 还是尾轮, 也是座无虚席, 特别它的位置并不是太子和旺角人流最旺的地方, 更是难能可贵. 这里出名的是小炒和炸物, 但第一道吸引我的菜式是少爷鸡, 附上的鸡肝和鸡肠证明它是新鲜鸡而并非冰鲜鸡. 比一般鸡公和鸡乸细只, 皮下脂肪甚少, 但鸡皮和鸡肉一样爽口弹牙, 没有肉渣, 吃起来舒服之余, 鸡味依然丰富, 难怪用最基本的白切做法就够, Nothing more nothing less!一口气点了三种炸物, 咕噜肉是这里的经典菜式, 除了用上五花腩令肉质更稔外, 炸皮有点厚但均匀附在五花上, 相当于香脆, 没有用上粟粉收汁, 汁酱甜酸味更浓. 另一道炸物是避风塘赖尿虾, 将赖尿虾去壳起肉, 而能保持其完整, 吃起来更舒服, 外脆内软, 香酥味道是送酒佳品. 黄金鱿鱼的咸蛋黄酱同样平均沾在鱿鱼上, 同样惹味, 但如果可以再干身一点就更完美. 集众 is a traditional HK restaurant opened in pandemic. She is so popular at P
一口气点了三种炸物, 咕噜肉是这里的经典菜式, 除了用上五花腩令肉质更稔外, 炸皮有点厚但均匀附在五花上, 相当于香脆, 没有用上粟粉收汁, 汁酱甜酸味更浓. 另一道炸物是避风塘赖尿虾, 将赖尿虾去壳起肉, 而能保持其完整, 吃起来更舒服, 外脆内软, 香酥味道是送酒佳品. 黄金鱿鱼的咸蛋黄酱同样平均沾在鱿鱼上, 同样惹味, 但如果可以再干身一点就更完美.
集众 is a traditional HK restaurant opened in pandemic. She is so popular at Princess Edward even the location is not that convenient. The deep fried cuisines are excellent for example the sweet’n’sour pork belly. One of the most try is the deep fried mantis shrimp. The chef removed the shell and we can enjoy it easily. The chicken is not frozen but freshly prepared, it is young male chicken so we called it prince chicken. Not much fat but texture and taste are excellent.