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今日出开去铜锣湾,想买几件蛋糕做饭后甜品。食过好多次龙岛,以为会品质稳定,点知居然中伏!Dropped by Lucullus today to pick up some dessert. Since I’ve bought their cakes, I thought they’d be a safe choice. However, my purchases today were super disappointing!今日买咗三个蛋糕 其中两个系cupcakeI bought 3 cakes today, two of which were cupcakes.1️⃣柚子Yuzu cupcake / 紫薯sweet potato cupcake 今次买两个杯子蛋糕原来都系朱古力蛋糕底😠其实以一个$39嘅cupcake来讲,龙岛绝对可以将饼底做一个更加适合嘅味道,而唔系就咁攞最基本嘅朱古力蛋糕,pipe啲唔同味道嘅buttercream上去就算👎味道好唔夹(食过其他店都唔会咁样夹硬做呢啲配搭)而且朱古力蛋糕做得偏干🤮龙岛加咗块额外嘅卡纸去装饰蛋糕,令到蛋糕望落更加大。我觉得咁样做冇问题
Dropped by Lucullus today to pick up some dessert. Since I’ve bought their cakes, I thought they’d be a safe choice. However, my purchases today were super disappointing!
今日买咗三个蛋糕 其中两个系cupcake
I bought 3 cakes today, two of which were cupcakes.
1️⃣柚子Yuzu cupcake [1.5/5] / 紫薯sweet potato cupcake [2/5]
龙岛加咗块额外嘅卡纸去装饰蛋糕,令到蛋糕望落更加大。我觉得咁样做冇问题,但系张纸好难开,唔user friendly! 想拆蛋糕嘅时候差啲跌咗好多次😒
Both cupcakes turned out to have a chocolate base. This was disappointing since a $39 cupcake could definitely have been made with a more well-suited base flavour rather than just mass-baking lots of chocolate cupcakes and piping different buttercreams on. The flavours did not match at all! The combination was very forced, and the chocolate cake was dry.
The cupcakes were wrapped with an extra layer of card stock to make the cakes look bigger. That’s fine, but the card was stuck on in such a flimsy way that it made it really difficult to remove without dropping the whole cake.
In terms of the buttercream, the yuzu taste was way too subtle. The sweet potato had a stronger taste but it was an awful match with the chocolate cake.
2️⃣榛子拿破仑 [3/5]
首先要几个蛋糕做拿破仑有啲牵强... 酥皮只有最顶同最底𠮶两块,中间开系海绵蛋糕同hazelnut cream... 如果完全disregard佢唔似拿破仑,其实味道唔算好差。但cream真系偏heavy...我只系食咗半个cut cake就唔想再食!
To call this a napoleon cake would be a stretch. There were only 2 layers of puff pastry, with sponge cake and cream in between. Honestly, disregarding the fact that it didn’t resemble a napoleon cake, the taste wasn’t bad. However, the cream was really heavy and I couldn’t eat any more after having half of the serving.