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见煎酿三宝 ok, 今晚试下个碗仔翅,真系好唔掂,成碗都系粉浆,够结但冇料,好失望,未食过碗甘差嘅碗仔翅。唔平,要成14蚊碗。Tried the deep fried snack. It was ok and only sold at $12 per 5. But don't recommend the fake fish fin soup, not much ingredients, only mixed MSG with corn flour and little meat slice... not cheap $14 per bowl... never try again
Tried the deep fried snack. It was ok and only sold at $12 per 5. But don't recommend the fake fish fin soup, not much ingredients, only mixed MSG with corn flour and little meat slice... not cheap $14 per bowl... never try again