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- 美国肥牛好好味- 澳洲肥牛冇美国肥牛咁好味但系都唔错- 黑柏叶好好味- 牛辗好好味汤底: 唔好叫有金华火腿既汤底,唔靓又唔好味之余仲抢晒牛肉原有既d鲜味- 服务非常差- 服务态度非常差- 侍应好似未训醒咁, 要重复几次先听得明我哋想要d咩野- 冇俾茶水我哋饮, 我地饮完啤酒/汽水之后叫侍应攞滚水俾我哋, 佢竟然攞Bonaqua水俾我哋然后收我哋二十蚊! [... 真可惜... 如果佢哋嘅礼貌好啲同埋服务态度好啲就好lu...]********************************************- The U.S. beef was excellent- The Australia beef was not as good as the U.S. beef but still tastes very good- The black 柏叶 was excellent- The 牛辗 was excellentSoup Base: do not get the one with ham (金华火腿) in it , it tastes bad and also o
- 美国肥牛好好味
- 澳洲肥牛冇美国肥牛咁好味但系都唔错
- 黑柏叶好好味
- 牛辗好好味
汤底: 唔好叫有金华火腿既汤底,唔靓又唔好味之余仲抢晒牛肉原有既d鲜味
- 服务非常差
- 服务态度非常差
- 侍应好似未训醒咁, 要重复几次先听得明我哋想要d咩野
- 冇俾茶水我哋饮, 我地饮完啤酒/汽水之后叫侍应攞滚水俾我哋, 佢竟然攞Bonaqua水俾我哋然后收我哋二十蚊!
[... 真可惜... 如果佢哋嘅礼貌好啲同埋服务态度好啲就好lu...]
- The U.S. beef was excellent
- The Australia beef was not as good as the U.S. beef but still tastes very good
- The black 柏叶 was excellent
- The 牛辗 was excellent
Soup Base: do not get the one with ham (金华火腿) in it , it tastes bad and also overpowers & ruins the original flavour of the beef
- The service was horrible
- Their service attitude was horrible
- The waiters/waitresses seemed half-asleep, we had to repeat ourselves several times for them to understand what we actually wanted
- They did not serve us any tea or anything and charged us $20 for Bonaqua water when we simply asked for boiled water (after we had finished our beer/soft drinks)
[... what a pity... if only they had better manners and better service attitudes...]