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时装界的Armani有别出心裁的西装作代表,美妆界的Armani有薄如丝绸的粉底液作噱头,酒店界的Armani有世界第一高楼-杜拜阿里发塔-内极尽奢华的客房招揽懂得享受的游客…那餐饮界的Armani? 我这凡夫俗子恐怕未有资格欣赏。 Receptionist态度有礼的招呼我们 。简约俐落的reception旁隐藏了一道大门,步入餐厅必经的走廊甚有品味,红黑相衬的配搭前卫却不失高贵,神秘感十足 。含蓄地印有Armani aqua一字的大门后是空间感十足的餐厅。一切都很美好,但赞美的话到此为止 。星期六的十二点半就只有我们二人,高大短发的华藉女服务员言笑不苟地放下餐牌,从我们叫食物到她放下食物,她都是板著脸,一句话也不说,非常有性格 。To be more specific, we received no service since we entered the dining area . This arrogant waitress totally ruined our time here. I love the swanky decors but I appreciate
那餐饮界的Armani? 我这凡夫俗子恐怕未有资格欣赏。
简约俐落的reception旁隐藏了一道大门,步入餐厅必经的走廊甚有品味,红黑相衬的配搭前卫却不失高贵,神秘感十足 。含蓄地印有Armani aqua一字的大门后是空间感十足的餐厅。
一切都很美好,但赞美的话到此为止 。
星期六的十二点半就只有我们二人,高大短发的华藉女服务员言笑不苟地放下餐牌,从我们叫食物到她放下食物,她都是板著脸,一句话也不说,非常有性格 。To be more specific, we received no service since we entered the dining area . This arrogant waitress totally ruined our time here. I love the swanky decors but I appreciate attentive service… and of course, food quality tops the rest.
我叫了鸭胸risotto作前菜,主菜则点了炸羊扒。朋友点了前菜- 海鲜意粉和主菜-煎三文鱼。(HKD380/2courses - no dessert or tea or coffee)
不得不提,最让我们无奈的事 。那个像是领班的女待应在我们吃饭中途居然在旁边和下属大力的把台子、椅子、屏风不断移来移去,发出难听刺耳的嘶嘶声,长达十分钟,多次打断我们的对话。
我们多次回头示意,几个待应视若无睹,很明显,很明显是想我们快点吃完、快点离去,让他们早点休息 。最后,我们真的忍受不了决定埋单,挥手好几次那个黑脸女领班才斯斯然走过来把帐单大力放下,一句话也没说... 。
如果这么看人低的话,就请离开服务业 。这么丑陋的脸色,让客人不快也侮辱了这漂亮高档的品牌 。当我们离开餐厅,那个女领班在我们旁观走过,向reception大嚷:"真系想死。。。" 我对内容毫无兴趣,但可否不要在客人面前展示这一面? Perhaps this arrogant waitress doesn’t serve customers appeared not to be working upstairs in those prestigious banks or upmarket brands, perhaps we did not turn up with well-cut clothes… no matter what, it was totally unacceptable for a restaurant of this class (or any other class). Why on earth did the servers have to move the tables around when we were still dining? It really irritated us when our conversation was forced to halt because of all these hissing sounds that lasted for like 10 minutes.I am not sure if anyone from aqua’s management can see this, I just sincerely hope readers can be lucky enough to receive proper service (and be warned ).
让人失望的Armani Aqua,肯定不会再去。
的确,Armani casa的设计非常优雅别致,但布置不是拿来吃的,我获得完全相反的服务态度。或许我们太年轻,穿得不够光鲜,也不像上面写字楼拿高薪厚职的人,但作为客人,实在很难相信在这一流的地段、可以碰上三流的服务 。
无论半岛、文华、洲际、Amigo、the Pawn 、兰芳园、美心、大荣华或大快活大家乐,我也未见识过这么让人无奈的服务态度,真长见识了。
A great disappointment. I couldn’t find a direct way to complain in the official site, so I hope someone from the management team can read this . If it is your marketing strategy to keep off petty bourgeois from enjoying the service at Armani Aqua, you win. Thanks for ruining my friend’s birthday meal and we are definitely not returning.