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因为office在楼上,耐唔耐都会落楼下揾下有咩好食。珍珠奶茶𠮶啲实在饮得太多,所以比较清爽嘅水果茶会系不二之选。同埋我本身冇谂过原来佢系可以加酒类饮品,$30就有杯水果茶cocktail去边度买先?饮完呢杯,我真系走去买咗支菠萝酒,甜甜地女仔饮酒好岩!同埋佢最大嘅惊喜系你可以同老板讲你想要边啲嘢比例多啲佢就调教比你,我个人觉得呢啲客制化选项非常好。I am really surprised by the tailor made options available here! Anyone who loves wine/ rum/ gin but also would like to try fruit tea should have a go!
同埋佢最大嘅惊喜系你可以同老板讲你想要边啲嘢比例多啲佢就调教比你,我个人觉得呢啲客制化选项非常好。I am really surprised by the tailor made options available here! Anyone who loves wine/ rum/ gin but also would like to try fruit tea should have a go!