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见呢间泰国菜一个负评都冇即管试一试。佢个椰汁鸡汤好浓,烧牛肉同埋个炒米粉好惹味,而且大大份好足料。价钱都唔贵!Seeing that this Thai restaurant had no negative reviews, I decided to give it a try. Their coconut chicken soup was rich and creamy, the grilled beef, and the fried rice noodles were very flavorful, plus the portions were generous and substantial. The prices were also very reasonable.
Seeing that this Thai restaurant had no negative reviews, I decided to give it a try. Their coconut chicken soup was rich and creamy, the grilled beef, and the fried rice noodles were very flavorful, plus the portions were generous and substantial. The prices were also very reasonable.