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越做越差,早餐其实都OK。但请咗个把口唔收嘅「阿姐」,落单又好,俾钱又好,总系俾面色你睇😮💨俾说话你听。啲客人好声好气问佢攞杯水,佢会同其他同事讲:「佢问完你攞,又问我」。…最串𠮶句系…去酒店啦笨!!系呀,清楚明白收到香港人都系好笨,有心少少想去撑 小店😮💨,都俾你窒🤨。阿姐,你返工㗎咋,好心唔好害老细,老细由朝头早直踩到夜晚🍀。🙏🏻纯属我个人意见Although it got worse over time, breakfast was still decent. However, please take note of that unfriendly lady who wasn't very polite during ordering and payment. Her attitude and facial expressions towards you weren't very friendly 😮💨. She likes to complain to other colleagues, saying, "That guy asked you for water, and
系呀,清楚明白收到香港人都系好笨,有心少少想去撑 小店😮💨,都俾你窒🤨。
Although it got worse over time, breakfast was still decent. However, please take note of that unfriendly lady who wasn't very polite during ordering and payment. Her attitude and facial expressions towards you weren't very friendly 😮💨. She likes to complain to other colleagues, saying, "That guy asked you for water, and then he asked me."
...The most infuriating thing is...go to the hotel, idiot!!
Yes, it's quite evident that this lady thinks Hong Kong people are foolish. Even though I wanted to show some support for the small shop 😮💨, you prevented me from doing so.
Lady, have you gone back to work? Please treat the boss well; the boss works hard from morning till night 🍀.
🙏🏻This is solely my personal opinion.