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不同价位及质素 丰俭由人盛赞店舖员工服务超好 餐厅环境舒适 通风系统理想-I guess most of the people tried 616 hot pot and love that so much as they provided different kinds and position of high quality of beef! This time, we tried the 616 Yakiniku and hope for the amazing experience too. We decided to go for the set and there are 5 sets to choose from, which cost from $498 to $1088. We have chosen $598 one, which is the second cheapest. The quality of the meat is on average. The texture and freshness is up to standard and we like
盛赞店舖员工服务超好 餐厅环境舒适 通风系统理想
I guess most of the people tried 616 hot pot and love that so much as they provided different kinds and position of high quality of beef! This time, we tried the 616 Yakiniku and hope for the amazing experience too. We decided to go for the set and there are 5 sets to choose from, which cost from $498 to $1088. We have chosen $598 one, which is the second cheapest. The quality of the meat is on average. The texture and freshness is up to standard and we like the way they presented the meat that the little paper on the set showed which part of meat we were having. Indeed, the garlic butter mushroom is quite nice! The butter matched very well with the sukiyaki sauce inside the bowl makes the taste so rich! Last but not least, the service of the staff scores 101 marks!! They are really helpful and make me feel comfortable since we sit down, during our meal and even after I left the restaurant. They helped me to keep my phone which I left in the restaurant and they are so kind to find ways to reach me!!! Just go and support this restaurant! 💛
🥩 616特撰拼盘 ($598)
餐牌有五款特盛拼盘可以俾你选择 店员介绍话单点每款一碟有六件 而拼盘就每款四件 我同朋友一行二人都想试多啲唔同款 每人两件啱啱好就选择拼盘啦🥰 呢款系第二便宜嘅 餐牌上总共有五个唔同拼盘选择由$498至$1088 最贵个两个set都系食日本和牛嘅 而我地今次叫呢款就有来自日本 澳洲 西班牙 俄罗斯等等🤙🏻 食过616火锅都知佢地有好多唔同部位嘅牛 上枱时都会介绍清楚 616烧肉同样写住啲牌仔介绍唔同嘅肉 有一款豚肉一款鸡肉 而其他嘅都系牛肉😆 个人私心比较推介嘅系🐮肉眼上盖❤️牛肩芯同埋🐂牛腩心!! 肉味比较浓郁 口感亦唔错👍🏻 而横隔膜同雪花胸肋可能因为呢啲位置所限 肉味唔突出 比较普通🤭 枱上有盐同黑椒可以调味 我觉得普遍肉味唔太浓 都再有自己加少少调味料🤏🏻 整体各款肉类都系合格水准 未有好惊艳嘅感觉 相比616火锅嘅话 火锅实在正好好好好好多!😮
🍄 蒜香牛油什菌 ($28)
什菌反而几好食 上枱嘅碗系好重手嘅石碗 可以成个碗放上网上面烧! 有寿喜烧嘅汤浸住啲菇 又有大旧蒜香牛油系面 捞落去烧熟佢都几好味😋 食肉之余加少少菇呢个系好选择✌🏻
🤰🏻 #大肚腩小分享
餐厅嘅店员服务超级好 会询问客人使唔使介绍下餐牌 然后佢好细心讲解 又了解我地得两个人 俾啲意见提我地单点可能唔太适合我地💕 食嘅过程会帮我地睇住进度 食晒啲菇立即收起石碗 一叫店员就应 换网个啲都好快手👏🏻 而重点系 我食完晚饭之后漏咗个电话系枱面 过咗大半个钟先发现 最后借个电话打返去餐厅佢地话帮我keep起左 睇返纪录佢仲尝试过打电话想联络返我 呜呜好感激佢地!!!😭😭😭 最后最后 良心店系要支持 你懂的💛💛💛