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⭐️可以同时食到有布甸+海绵蛋糕既甜品⭐️个人喜欢原味多过绿茶,因为原味整体味道较为一致⭐️布甸同蛋糕既比例大概九比一⭐️因为绿茶布甸质感、茶味较出,配上原味海绵蛋糕,有点无咁夹⭐️布甸上面有层焦糖酱,食落更香⭐️有机会会试埋其他味👍🏼❤️🀄️a dessert combining pudding chiffon cake with caramel sauce as topping🀄️pudding: cake ratio was around 9:1🀄️I preferred the original one over the green tea.🀄️as the green tea pudding doesn't go well with the original cake, just like putting 2 different texture things together
🀄️a dessert combining pudding chiffon cake with caramel sauce as topping
🀄️pudding: cake ratio was around 9:1
🀄️I preferred the original one over the green tea.
🀄️as the green tea pudding doesn't go well with the original cake, just like putting 2 different texture things together