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Dinner highlights:-Japanese-styled Beef Kamameshi 和风牛肉釜饭 $138Abundant ingredients. The bottom has a nice rice crust, perfect with the special soy sauce or make it a tea-infused rice with the provided tea, topped with a few sheets of crunchy seaweed for extra flavour.用料丰富。底部仲有饭焦,可配特色酱油食,亦可以加上佢配嘅 茶做成茶渍饭,而且仲跟咗几片紫菜提鲜。-Lychee Mint Soda 荔枝薄荷梳打 $18-Kyoho grapes Soda巨峰梳打 $30Overall, the drinks are refreshing and sweet.整体较为清甜-Tamago Yaki with Cheese芝士玉子焼 $68Shredded cheese over a smooth Tamago Yaki 拉丝芝士🧀
-Japanese-styled Beef Kamameshi 和风牛肉釜饭 $138
Abundant ingredients. The bottom has a nice rice crust, perfect with the special soy sauce or make it a tea-infused rice with the provided tea, topped with a few sheets of crunchy seaweed for extra flavour.用料丰富。底部仲有饭焦,可配特色酱油食,亦可以加上佢配嘅 茶做成茶渍饭,而且仲跟咗几片紫菜提鲜。
-Lychee Mint Soda 荔枝薄荷梳打 $18
-Kyoho grapes Soda巨峰梳打 $30
Overall, the drinks are refreshing and sweet.整体较为清甜
-Tamago Yaki with Cheese芝士玉子焼 $68
Shredded cheese over a smooth Tamago Yaki 拉丝芝士🧀配上嫩滑玉子烧
-Sake-infused Clams 清酒煮花甲 $88
Large, sweet and tender clams cooked in sake.大大粒,而且肉质清甜
-Grilled Japanese Fish Cake烧日本鱼饼 $68
Rich fish flavour with a satisfying texture鱼味香浓,鱼饼好有咬口
-Salmon Flavoured Roll三文鱼风味卷 $68
Grilled salmon belly, incredibly rich and flavourful. 烧三文鱼腩好肥美
-Mixed Sashimi Don Set杂锦鱼生丼定食 $198
Abundant variety of ingredients. 材料丰富
岩盐日本料理 (MOKO新世纪广场) (旺角)
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