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说它是面店, 其实它的饭比面更为矜贵, 无他, 之前光顾午市时, 它的沁沁饭, 也就是鸡油腊味饭常常售罄, 今次光临却还有几碗, 除了是我的幸运外, 也反映了疫情下对小店在生意的影响. 鸡油平均沾在饭身, 油亮带香气, 豉油甜而不死咸, 色水均匀, 再加在舖上饭面的饭焦, 好睇又好食. 配料除了腊肠和鲜鸡件外, 也附上自家制作的腊鸭, 鸭油香丰盈, 咸度适中, 略嫌鸭肉口感较死实.小食必点的是其醉鸡卷, 酒香带甘甜而不苦, 鸡皮弹殚, 鸡肉口感实中带软, 中间凝固的鸡油啫喱令其更有油香, 不用三十元有六大件, 比不少小食店抵食. 以自家熬制的罗汉果茶作结, 不是山珍海味, 但吃完相当温暖.Double Heart for Noodles is a noodle shop but this rice is excellent and sold out very earlier. This lunchtime I were so luckily to taste it. The rice is full of chicken oil and the soy sauce is even di
小食必点的是其醉鸡卷, 酒香带甘甜而不苦, 鸡皮弹殚, 鸡肉口感实中带软, 中间凝固的鸡油啫喱令其更有油香, 不用三十元有六大件, 比不少小食店抵食. 以自家熬制的罗汉果茶作结, 不是山珍海味, 但吃完相当温暖.
Double Heart for Noodles is a noodle shop but this rice is excellent and sold out very earlier. This lunchtime I were so luckily to taste it. The rice is full of chicken oil and the soy sauce is even distributed. Fresh taste with the preserved meat is traditional HK taste. The preserved meat is home made and the salty taste is nice. The drunken chicken roll is also a must-try item. Spongy chicken skin and firm chicken meat with the sweet and aromatic wine flavor make it perfect.