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寻日,经过呢度打算食下野,第二次去呢间。其实系觉得佢嘅薯条好味(不过薯条都系冇金钟间分行好食) 。因为waiter都多外国人习惯左用英文order,其中一个唔知系菲律宾人定系咩国家嘅waiter唔知有咩问题系度系咁刷存在感,order 完之后问我 anything else? 我答 no thanks (因为两个女仔都唔好酒,打算一晚一杯嘅quota留返其他bar) 跟著个 waiter 用粤语问我 冇啦~ 我谂谂下 讲左 ginger ale (我都好想知 ginger ale) 中文系咩之后埋单, 又系个waiter。 我讲 may I have the bill ? 佢系咁答 what ? 我再讲 may I have the check ? ! 佢仲问 what? 我大声讲 check please! 佢先大大声 讲 埋单! 自问英文冇咩问题,去咩国家都系咁讲。外国waiter 想practise英文 唔该出去 饮多几杯 揾其他女 慢慢practise! 冇心机同中年外籍大叔玩,唔好系你个客度刷存在感,I just wanna have the meal with my fr
之后埋单, 又系个waiter。 我讲 may I have the bill ? 佢系咁答 what ? 我再讲 may I have the check ? ! 佢仲问 what? 我大声讲 check please! 佢先大大声 讲 埋单! 自问英文冇咩问题,去咩国家都系咁讲。
外国waiter 想practise英文 唔该出去 饮多几杯 揾其他女 慢慢practise! 冇心机同中年外籍大叔玩,唔好系你个客度刷存在感,I just wanna have the meal with my friend !