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5: 30pm 打电话去问几点可以落 order 叫外卖,话6点先开, 叫我自己睇铺头门口个牌,我打电话问,请问点见到你铺头门口个牌!6点落去,入坐得一成,我话我想坐一坐落单,直接一句「唔得,你企喺度填!」态度呀!乜料呀!好!企!我一路睇,佢一路问「你几多人食,喂,你睇餐牌,」点呀,阻住你?can you be more annoyed when I try to think what to order ? 点十样有3、4様冇,又话单上嘅380 海瞻冇要400 几先有,吓,海鲜价?and again , attitude!!! 埋单比咭,又话唔够$250, 唔收咭!点呀,系你乜春都冇!and again and again ! Attitude! Don’t sound like I own you man ! All he did like trying to tell us not to go back anymore ! Fine no more next time !
好!企!我一路睇,佢一路问「你几多人食,喂,你睇餐牌,」点呀,阻住你?can you be more annoyed when I try to think what to order ?
点十样有3、4様冇,又话单上嘅380 海瞻冇要400 几先有,吓,海鲜价?and again , attitude!!!
埋单比咭,又话唔够$250, 唔收咭!
点呀,系你乜春都冇!and again and again ! Attitude! Don’t sound like I own you man !
All he did like trying to tell us not to go back anymore ! Fine no more next time !