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为左个牛角包可以条队可以排到咁长 果然火香港人😂「原味牛角包🥐($24)」好食到傻左!系🐰小编食过最好食嘅牛角包!🤯🔥首先造型满分 入边嘅蜂巢纹都做得好靓仔👍🏻牛油香而不腻 外层酥皮香脆松化 入边嘅质地有d咬口同靭度😳完美-「The croissants 🥐 ($24)」is scrumptious! It is the best croissant that I have ever eaten!🤯🔥It looks mouthwatering. The honeycomb structure is perfect👍🏻 It is rich in butter aroma but not too greasy. The pastry is crispy and the texture inside is chewy and elastic.😳Perfect-⚠️:一定要新鲜出炉热辣辣食freshly baked croissants are perfect🤤-包包 bread🥯🍞指标💰:$24/1📍:B205-207, B2, K11 Musea, Tsim Sha Tsui @gont
「The croissants 🥐 ($24)」is scrumptious! It is the best croissant that I have ever eaten!🤯🔥It looks mouthwatering. The honeycomb structure is perfect👍🏻 It is rich in butter aroma but not too greasy. The pastry is crispy and the texture inside is chewy and elastic.😳Perfect
⚠️:一定要新鲜出炉热辣辣食freshly baked croissants are perfect🤤
包包 bread🥯🍞指标
📍:B205-207, B2, K11 Musea, Tsim Sha Tsui @gontrancherrierhk
总分Score:96/100 🔖(bookmark)
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