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貊炙是一家位于湾仔的新兴韩国烧烤餐厅,其名称源自于古代貊族,这个名称代表了韩国烧肉的历史根源。貊族以串烧肉类的方式闻名,这一技术最初是韩国宫廷料理的一部分,后来逐渐演变为民间美食。在装修方面,貊炙采用现代摩登的设计风格,以酒红色为主调,搭配原木座椅,营造出一种奢华而舒适的用餐环境。店内设有专门的熟成柜,展示其对食材品质的重视。这里的肉类大多以自家酱汁腌渍过,不会太咸也带一点果甜味,作为高级韩国烧肉餐厅,韩牛当然是必点之选,油脂比和牛少,肉质比较扎实,其实作为烧肉或者煎扒,反而这样会比较好去处理,当然也有提供美国的Prime级牛肉菜式,但还是前者较为吸引,在肉类选择上没有什么好批评的,如果人手再多一点,可以全程提供专人烧烤,那就更完美。Maekjeok is a new Korean barbecue restaurant in Wan Chai, named after the ancient Maek tribe, symbolizing the roots of Korean barbecue. Known for its modern decor with a burgundy
Maekjeok is a new Korean barbecue restaurant in Wan Chai, named after the ancient Maek tribe, symbolizing the roots of Korean barbecue. Known for its modern decor with a burgundy color scheme and wooden seating, the restaurant features a dedicated aging cabinet to emphasize ingredient quality. Most meats are marinated in house-made sauces that balance sweetness and saltiness. Korean beef, with less fat than Wagyu and a firmer texture, is a highlight, making it ideal for grilling. While Prime American beef is offered, the Korean beef stands out, and additional staff for dedicated grilling would enhance the experience further.