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◽今次要介绍嘅餐厅系位于铜锣湾嘅串扬&酒処 「秀殿」,由日本人主理嘅日式炸串。先说结论,食物质素高,服务主动、友善,通风良好甚少油烟味,唯一嘅缺点就系经常满场,想去嘅话一定要预先订位。Hidden is located in Causeway Bay, specializes in Kushiage, that is Japanese fried skewers. To conclude ahead, the food is of high quality, the service is proactive and friendly, the ventilation system is nice for a fried skewer restaurant. The restaurant is often fully booked, so please be reminded to make a reservation in advance.◾酸汁白子 (Shirako) $150白子亦即鱼类的精巢,亦系我哋两个嘅初体验。刺身食法保留白子嘅鲜味,而且用上酸汁做调味比较容易入口,质感滑溜溜
今次要介绍嘅餐厅系位于铜锣湾嘅串扬&酒処 「秀殿」,由日本人主理嘅日式炸串。先说结论,食物质素高,服务主动、友善,通风良好甚少油烟味,唯一嘅缺点就系经常满场,想去嘅话一定要预先订位。
Hidden is located in Causeway Bay, specializes in Kushiage, that is Japanese fried skewers. To conclude ahead, the food is of high quality, the service is proactive and friendly, the ventilation system is nice for a fried skewer restaurant. The restaurant is often fully booked, so please be reminded to make a reservation in advance.
酸汁白子 (Shirako) $150
This is the first time for both of us to try Shirako, that is fish sperm sac. By having it as sashimi, it preserves the freshness of the Shirako, and it tastes less fishy with the sour sauce. The texture is quite milky and creamy.
虾 (Shrimp) $60
The batter-skin of all kushiage is thin whilst crispy. The shrimp tastes fresh and sweet, and you can even have the shrimp head as it is fried into a crispy state.
鲱鱼子昆布 (Herring Roe On Kelp) $35
It is really enjoyable to have the bursting feeling of each herring roe inside your mouth.
鸡胸肉 (Chicken Breast) $35
We tried wasabi mayo and spicy cod roe mayo flavour. The spiciness of the two flavours could fully bring out the tender and juicy texture of the chicken breast.
猪肉卷 (Pork Flank Roll) $35
The pork tastes tender, and the spring onion strikes a good balance by reducing the greasiness of the kushiage.
水牛芝士 (Mozzarella Cheese) $30
The Mozzarella cheese is as simple as it. No fancy technique, but we're addicted to the molten cheese.
带子三文鱼子 (Scallop Salmon Roe) $45
The scallop is half cooked that preserves the freshness of it. With salmon roe and pickled radish, it gives a sweet and refreshing flavour.
自家制香浓布丁 (Homemade Pudding) $35
The homemade pudding is rich in egg and vanilla flavour.
串扬&酒処 「秀殿」
📍Room 3D Prosperous Commercial Building, Causeway Bay