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Jacomax的成名作, 必然是蓝芝士薄饼pizza, 当意大利人对菠萝Pizza嗤之以鼻的时候, 不知道他们对于同样是水果Pizza的它有什么感想? 对我而言, 它和菠萝pizza同样是以水果和芝士作主要配菜, 但味道配搭有著天渊之别. 蓝芝士的浓烈味道未必人人喜欢, 但苹果的果甜中和了其味道以及提供可喜的甜度, 烤制起来没有菠萝pizza的过湿而令其糊化, 干爽但不干硬, 内里松软的口感和外面的烫口香脆, 大人小朋友也会喜欢.能够以午餐的份量品尝Jacomax的成名作, 相当幸福. 头盘的Parma Ham水准和质素同样不错, 少少肉, 还有高质的淀粉质以及健康的水果, 这就是我心目中理想而又不太昂贵的营养午餐.The blue cheese apple pizza is a must try at Jacomax. It is so firm, tasty with the well balance of salty and sweet taste together with crispy outside bread. Together with Parma ham and to
能够以午餐的份量品尝Jacomax的成名作, 相当幸福. 头盘的Parma Ham水准和质素同样不错, 少少肉, 还有高质的淀粉质以及健康的水果, 这就是我心目中理想而又不太昂贵的营养午餐.
The blue cheese apple pizza is a must try at Jacomax. It is so firm, tasty with the well balance of salty and sweet taste together with crispy outside bread. Together with Parma ham and tomato soup, it is one of my favorite balanced and health lunch.