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“My Own” 直译为「我的」,既是代表著店主打造出来的露营小天地,也是对自身出品的一份自信表现。炙烧豚肉丼以焦糖洋葱配上煎香后以火枪轻炙过的猪肉片,油香四溢中带著洋葱的香甜,盖在淋上胡麻酱的白米饭上,再洒上满满的葱花,最佳的食法便是一匙由上而下插入,同时感受食材多层次交织出的丰厚感。冲绳风豆腐沙律份量极大,尤其喜欢其中豆香味浓郁的豆腐,再配上切成薄片的冲绳苦瓜,与带有柑橘香气的沙律汁,以新鲜的材料制成制成最清新的配搭。不因世俗而妥协,保持自己的步伐,走出自己的路,或许就是这小店迷人的地方。My own space. My own pace. My own recipe.Representing the owner’s personal faith, My Own is the little cozy space of his camping soul, and a creation hub of his Japanese gourmet, including grilled pork donburi rice and Okinawa style tofu salad.
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My own space. My own pace. My own recipe.
Representing the owner’s personal faith, My Own is the little cozy space of his camping soul, and a creation hub of his Japanese gourmet, including grilled pork donburi rice and Okinawa style tofu salad.