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妇女节慰劳老婆的辛劳, 就在完成工作后到附近的Bakehouse, 买了她最喜欢的几种烘焙品. 幸好蛋挞和菠萝包还余下些少, 不至于空手而回. 水准保持是Bakehouse的强项, 无论早上还是傍晚, 平日或者周末购买, 烘焙品的酥脆和味道, 也保持著和第一次品尝至少90%的原味和口感. 蛋挞的酥皮是和牛角酥一样的蜂巢空气口感, 蛋酱偏凝而蛋香与焦糖香味配合得刚好. 菠萝包上层够香脆, 内里的咸蛋酱咸度和甜度平衡度够, 流心中带点起沙, 将这种酱放入中式点心也完全没有问题. 买回来要再加热, 基本上将焗炉调到180度预热 , 然后再焗三至四分钟, 味道和口感就和刚刚出炉的一样. 回想起来, 有三八妇女节加料, 不知道我在劳动节有没有老婆的加料呢? (笑)I enjoy the quality of Bakehouse can keep in high standard at every branches and every time. The egg tart is excellent and one of my favorite in my town. The puff pastry
蛋挞的酥皮是和牛角酥一样的蜂巢空气口感, 蛋酱偏凝而蛋香与焦糖香味配合得刚好. 菠萝包上层够香脆, 内里的咸蛋酱咸度和甜度平衡度够, 流心中带点起沙, 将这种酱放入中式点心也完全没有问题. 买回来要再加热, 基本上将焗炉调到180度预热 , 然后再焗三至四分钟, 味道和口感就和刚刚出炉的一样. 回想起来, 有三八妇女节加料, 不知道我在劳动节有没有老婆的加料呢? (笑)
I enjoy the quality of Bakehouse can keep in high standard at every branches and every time. The egg tart is excellent and one of my favorite in my town. The puff pastry is same as the texture of croissant with the well balance of crispy and air feeling. The pineapple bun is excellent for the upper puff pastry and the salted egg custard as well. Hope my wife enjoys it as the small gift at IWD.