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House of Culture 1周年🎊 今次嚟到系新嘅Chaos menu 非常impressive😍fusion菜式相当有惊喜👍 House of Culture’s 1st Anniversary celebration with their new Chaos menu!差不多每一道菜我都好钟意,以下就重点介绍吓我特别喜欢嘅几个courses💕Here are my favorites:⭐️ Cover photo呢嚿鱼真系不得了,嫩滑度/油份真系100分,配合表皮烤得恰到好处,旁边嘅薄切梨清甜嘅口感就可以解腻😍The fish in the cover photo is melt-in-your-mouth tender with perfectly crispy skin, with thinly sliced pears adding a refreshing balance😍⭐️ Soy cured hamachi 油甘鱼刺身配上清新嘅酱汁,仲有提子切片,清甜嘅味道,大大提升咗刺身嘅鲜味🥰 (睇完黑白大厨之后,特别留意每一样配菜喺个碟上面都要有佢嘅目的同作用🤣)Hamac
House of Culture’s 1st Anniversary celebration with their new Chaos menu!
Here are my favorites:
⭐️ Cover photo呢嚿鱼真系不得了,嫩滑度/油份真系100分,配合表皮烤得恰到好处,旁边嘅薄切梨清甜嘅口感就可以解腻😍
The fish in the cover photo is melt-in-your-mouth tender with perfectly crispy skin, with thinly sliced pears adding a refreshing balance😍
⭐️ Soy cured hamachi 油甘鱼刺身配上清新嘅酱汁,仲有提子切片,清甜嘅味道,大大提升咗刺身嘅鲜味🥰 (睇完黑白大厨之后,特别留意每一样配菜喺个碟上面都要有佢嘅目的同作用🤣)
Hamachi sashimi paired with a light, refreshing sauce and grape slices🥰
⭐️ 牛肉他他既牛味超浓,食法几有特色,模仿Burger嘅配搭,配合burger嘅面包同埋配菜非常夹🥰 值得一提,旧面包都好正,软熟得来有少少脆口😍
Their beef tartare is incredibly rich and cleverly presented as a deconstructed burger - and that bread is perfectly soft with just a hint of crunch 😍
⭐️ 鸭胸呢啲经典嘢唔多讲,总之就系非常出色,熟度啱啱好配上开胃嘅梅酱汁,食过返寻味🥰
The duck breast is just perfect
⭐️ 炸鱼皮配带子刺身,加上蛋黄酱,超级夹🥰 原来chef好钟意fish and chips,嚟到香港意外发现炸鱼皮就系鱼既脆脆口感,就创作咗呢个菜式🥰
Love the creative fish skin chips with scallop sashimi and mayo combo😍
⭐️ Abalone and its essence 呢个系一个add on item,鲍鱼煮得腍得来亦都好爽口,配上佢嘅鲍鱼酱汁加入海带嘅味道,想舔晒成只碟😂
The add-on abalone dish is tender yet firm, served with a seaweed sauce
见到成个餐厅团队都系非常有heart❤️ 介绍每一道菜式嘅时候都好用心,而且店员都好热情🤣