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最初开𠮶阵好好食可惜依家每方面都愈来愈差 十分失望食物质素-白菜鲜肉饺入面只有菜梗 硬 汤饺=白熠 无味酸辣汤-唔酸 唔辣 稀溜溜环境卫生-好多蚊虫 灯光昏暗 地面痴笠笠 服务态度-职员只顾闹交 唔落单 唔上菜It was delicious when it first opened but everything is getting worse now. Food quality - cabbage and fresh meat dumplings have only vegetable stems and are hard Soup dumpling was boiled in water not soup, tasteless Environmental hygiene - lots of mosquitoes, dim lighting, dirty floors Service attitude - the staff are quarreling, not willing to place orders or serve food
可惜依家每方面都愈来愈差 十分失望
食物质素-白菜鲜肉饺入面只有菜梗 硬
汤饺=白熠 无味
酸辣汤-唔酸 唔辣 稀溜溜
环境卫生-好多蚊虫 灯光昏暗 地面痴笠笠
服务态度-职员只顾闹交 唔落单 唔上菜
It was delicious when it first opened but everything is getting worse now.
Food quality - cabbage and fresh meat dumplings have only vegetable stems and are hard
Soup dumpling was boiled in water not soup, tasteless
Environmental hygiene - lots of mosquitoes, dim lighting, dirty floors
Service attitude - the staff are quarreling, not willing to place orders or serve food