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麦香田蛋糕 Mak Heung Tin Bakery (尖沙咀 TST)超得意造型蛋糕!🥹朋友生日,我哋决定买一个特别啲嘅生日蛋糕!呢排钟意啲搞笑/得意风嘅, 咁就试吓麦香甜田嘅星之卡比蛋糕⭐️For my friend’s birthday, we decided to get a special birthday cake! Lately, we’ve been into funny/cheerful themes, so we thought of trying a Kirby Star Cake🌟————————————————感想:❆ 星之卡比生日蛋糕!🩷 $358Kirby Birthday cake! 外表唔使讲啦, 超 级 得 意! 仲有6只卡比小公仔你食完洗干净可以拎走收藏🧸三百几蚊9个人食完晚餐食, 有啲剩, 可能10个人食会啱啲!蛋糕就系忌廉雪纺蛋糕,大概一磅, 入面仲有凤梨椰果肉,都几好食但可能有少少甜,不过呢个蛋糕都系造型取胜㗎啦🤣 超级适合小朋友!It’s super cute! Plus, you can take home 6 Kirby plastic
(尖沙咀 TST)
朋友生日,我哋决定买一个特别啲嘅生日蛋糕!呢排钟意啲搞笑/得意风嘅, 咁就试吓麦香甜田嘅星之卡比蛋糕⭐️
For my friend’s birthday, we decided to get a special birthday cake! Lately, we’ve been into funny/cheerful themes, so we thought of trying a Kirby Star Cake🌟
❆ 星之卡比生日蛋糕!🩷 $358
Kirby Birthday cake!
外表唔使讲啦, 超 级 得 意! 仲有6只卡比小公仔你食完洗干净可以拎走收藏🧸三百几蚊9个人食完晚餐食, 有啲剩, 可能10个人食会啱啲!
蛋糕就系忌廉雪纺蛋糕,大概一磅, 入面仲有凤梨椰果肉,都几好食但可能有少少甜,不过呢个蛋糕都系造型取胜㗎啦🤣 超级适合小朋友!
It’s super cute! Plus, you can take home 6 Kirby plastic toys after cleaning up. It costs around $3xx and could be suitable for 10 people. 👯
The cake is a cream snow sponge cake, approximately 1 pound, with pineapple and coconut flesh inside. It tastes quite good, but it might be slightly sweet. However, the cake’s highlight is its design and shape!😚 Suits children very much!
✦ 价格 Price: 4.3/5
✦ 味道 Taste: 4.0/5
✦ 服务 Service: 4.0/5
✦ 环境 Ambience: 3.9/5
✦ 再访指数 Visit again: 4.3/5
麦香田蛋糕 Mak Heung Tin Bakery (尖沙咀 TST)
地址 Address: 油麻地新填地街141号恒运楼地下C号舖
营业时间 Opening hours: 星期一至日 06:30-20:30