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超豪华海鲜拼盘($498) 足够两至三个人食,有齐加拿大龙虾、北海道带子、八爪鱼、泰国虎虾、生蚝、蓝青口、钻石蚬,觉得虎虾同埋带子最好食💕烤牛骨髓伴红酒烩牛肋牛肝菌及多士($168 )亦系必食菜式!以红酒烩煮和牛配上牛骨髓中和油腻感,食落好香口🤤提拉米苏棉花糖雪榚($68)以棉花糖代替mascarpone,质感软弹而且中间仲有旧雪糕🧐谂唔到究竟系点放落去😂.The super huge portion of house chilled seafood platter ($498) was so eye catching! The Hokkaido scallop and prawns are my favorites. The roasted bone marrow was another must-try, and it goes so well with braised wagyu ragout, mushrooms and croutons.
The super huge portion of house chilled seafood platter ($498) was so eye catching! The Hokkaido scallop and prawns are my favorites. The roasted bone marrow was another must-try, and it goes so well with braised wagyu ragout, mushrooms and croutons.