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7/10 plates emptied!The Gang一行四人踏进这一个充满浓厚美国气氛的意大利餐厅,像进入了另一个与外隔绝的世界,只有墙上挂满了七十年代的美国人家庭照,泛黄的灯光让人只想尽情享受一餐。这时隔壁一桌坐满了八位看上去像四十岁以上的女士突然高声大笑。「哇!做咩啊?哈哈,吓死人咩。」「做咩无见你一排尐皮肤好徂恁多嘅?究竟你平时用开边只护肤品架,识你恁多年,皱纹都唔多条。」「嘻嘻嘻。生日唔使特别好口嘅,新年都未到。」「但你就黎去韩国旅行嘛~」「就知你无好野。」「嘻!你当可怜下我因为学校尐百厌星多徂好多皱纹啊。」「你得闲练下气功就得架啦。」「系真唔系?」「我个个礼拜练两,三日。」太太边吃一口Little Italy驰名的Table Pizza边说道。「唔单止皮肤好徂,就连心情都会好尐!」我在旁一边听,一边吃著Zuppa di Mussels 番茄白汁烩青口,不管那么多,还是慢慢享受星期五晚与the Gang一行四人的晚餐最好不过。Little Italy was always one of my favorite Italian food places in Festival
[Written by Gobay & Carly] The Gang一行四人踏进这一个充满浓厚美国气氛的意大利餐厅,像进入了另一个与外隔绝的世界,只有墙上挂满了七十年代的美国人家庭照,泛黄的灯光让人只想尽情享受一餐。这时隔壁一桌坐满了八位看上去像四十岁以上的女士突然高声大笑。
「我个个礼拜练两,三日。」太太边吃一口Little Italy驰名的Table Pizza边说道。
我在旁一边听,一边吃著Zuppa di Mussels 番茄白汁烩青口,不管那么多,还是慢慢享受星期五晚与the Gang一行四人的晚餐最好不过。 Little Italy was always one of my favorite Italian food places in Festival walk. The place is famous for its ginormous portions and sharing-friendly style as it best suits 6+people gatherings. Love their laid-back, family-style ambiance for the American style “Italian food”, I wouldn't say their food is authentic at all but you will get what I mean once you step into the restaurant and see walls full of picture frames of Americans who have moved to Italy as migrants, vintage candle lights and lamps hanging on the walls, and the washroom that keeps looping the recordings of basic Italian course.
店名写著“Fine Italian Food”──但我们都觉得无论氛围还是食物,都有浓浓的美国味道。首先就是桌上一摞厚碟子,一壶大冰水──正宗的义大利餐厅是不会放这些在桌子上的。 我们都很喜欢餐厅的装潢,墙壁上挂满和义大利历史有关的人像和风景,昏黄的色调,古老的吊灯,怀旧的桌椅…一切都让人感到很亲切,非常适合朋友和家庭聚会。 Focaccia & Sardinian Pane Carasau basket 面包篮
The Focaccia bread had slight olive and herbs blend to it, it was fluffy enough to go with the balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Pane Carasau as the other choice was a type of light crisp which is so hard to resist on a hungry night of Friday!
Focaccia就是香草橄榄油面包,Pane Carasau是另一种薄脆型的面包。义大利餐厅里吃面包的方式就是蘸黑醋和橄榄油(“添油加醋” ,哈!)这里的面包很不错,Focaccia是要有点蛋糕的松软,又有面包的柔韧,软软地加上香草的香味,和油醋汁一起吃,健康又美味。 Zuppa di Mussels 番茄白汁烩青口 HKD$172
Little Italy serves the regular blue mussels that are relatively skinnier in medium size. The tomato-based sauce highlighted the whole dish as its slight acidity definitely starts your appetite for the night. 这是不太喜好海鲜的Carly都盛赞的菜,必食!它跟Frites 的青口不一样,汤汁是番茄洋葱汤加了香草,酸酸的和爽口弹牙大只的青口混在一起,是一道狠适合夏天吃的,开胃! Prosciutto and Melon 义大利火腿配蜜瓜 HKD$128
One of the frequent dishes I would order as the melon always come out mellow and sweet plus my favorite prosciutto – even though it would have been better with Parma Ham but it was good enough for its price and quality.
传统经典菜式。当晚大家都觉得蜜瓜很够甜,还不错。我一直以为这道菜是Parma Ham配蜜瓜,所以我就想这质量好像有点骗人,哈哈哈!原来是普通的Prosciutto,蜜瓜再软身一点,感觉会更好。 Scalloped Potatoes 白芝士汁焗薯片 HKD$65
As a huge potato fan, this recommended dish on Openrice met my expectations. Potatoes were sliced evenly yet could have been thinner to blend better with the cheesy cream sauce. It smelled really good when it was brought to the table so you can tell it was freshly baked from the oven and slightly crusted on the top.
经Carly的介绍,这是地道美国菜,形容把薯仔切成薄片,像半透明的带子一样,加上芝士碎和牛油做成的,菜的本身是不含带子的,呵呵~对于狂热薯仔爱好者Carly来说,简直是“梦一场”──这里的scalloped potato还是挺不错的,薯仔粉粉的,好吃~ Seafood Risotto 义大利海鲜饭 HKD$228
Even our tagalong Lyoe commented that the dish was not appealing at all so you can picture that this was the worst dish for the night. The rice was over cooked, considered to be too moist for a risotto. Bits of mussels, shrimp were found but taste was certainly bland. I felt like spooning chunks of carbs down my throat instead of enjoying a supposedly decent risotto from this prominent place.
很遗憾地,这道海鲜义大利烩饭经我们一致通过当选当晚「最不具任何美味特质」的菜。虽然有青口,有新鲜虾仁,但是味道不鲜美,不浓烈,甚至可以说是平淡乏味。外观也没有让人食指大动,甚至我们的Tagalong Lyoe说了一句「这个一看到就饱了」 。确实,它的米饭一部份煮得太久,米饭都煮开边了,一点柔韧咬口都没有,少量煮得稍嫌不够,咬下去还咬得到米心。 在我们为这道令人大失所望的差Seafood Risotto默哀之时, 侍应捧著我们期待而久的Portabello Mushroom Table Pizza走过来。不知道是那里杀出来的小孩在餐厅里玩耍奔跳(我都话哩间餐厅好受一家大细欢迎),小孩狠狠的撞到了这位侍应!我们的Pizza啊!
就在电光火石间,隔壁的阿太站起来,半个马步,一个转身,刚好托著侍应的盘子,救了我们的Pizza! 我们一行四人又惊又喜目定口呆,这一班太太除了懂气功,是不是也懂武功?! Portabello Mushroom Table Pizza (Truffle paste, Arugula and Pesto sauce) 黑松菌配意菇薄饼 HKD$218
Here come Carly’s and Lorling’s favorite and we are sharing our ultimate tip of trying the best table pizza at Little Italy. Order Portabello Mushroom with the additional topping of sausages to add that extra savory flavor and sausage fat/oil to complement the truffle paste & pesto sauce.
People say you can never go wrong with truffle and as a truffle fan, I would say that you will need the right ingredients to balance the aroma, flavor and experience how truffle can make great food. It was served hot, huge in portion as usual, yet slightly dry for the cheese appeared in thin crust and pizza crust on edges turned slightly hard. Not enough cheese! Nonetheless, I still had two slices just to kill my cravings for this. After this dish, it was certain to say that Little Italy’s food quality dropped since my last visit few months ago.
这是让Carly和Lorling念念不忘的必食项目!推荐喜爱松露的朋友尝试一下,会有惊喜的。这个Pizza虽然不是地道的义大利薄底批,口感像烘焗得松脆的Focaccia,Carly和Lorling评说当晚的烤得太干了,再湿润一点会更好吃。但这也可以理解的,通常周五晚上座无虚席的餐厅,菜品很少有能维持一贯水准的。个人比较倾向于新鲜的松露切片配最简单的菜,嘻嘻!Pizza我吃过香港较地道的薄批是SOHO区的Peak Bar。
总体来说,价钱偏贵,服务倒是挺好的,人也友善,再忙的时候还是达到「呼之则来」的水准。 「Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~」原来是其中一位太太的大日子, 侍应们也加入一众大唱生日歌。
Gobay’s food knowledge corner:
Portabello mushroom, 又称Portabella,拉丁文是Agaricus Bisporus。网站普遍都是显示大褐菇或大啡菇,但其实在DK蘑菇图鉴里面的学名是双孢蘑菇。它现在已是众所周知、大规模被种植的食用菌,从白色到褐色都有,比一般的香菇要贵。Citysuper, Olivers, Taste等超级市场都有发售,我试过买来烧烤,把菇柄切除,涂上淘大蒜茸、牛油、少许香草,用锡纸包住烤焗大约10分钟,香气四溢,那肉肉的丰满口感,人间极品!