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HANA 以地道釜山粥品闻名,其独特风味源自于严选釜山米,煮出来的粥品粒粒分明却不失绵密细致。釜山鲜鲍鱼粥 鲍鱼鲜甜弹牙,并加入多种蔬菜,比港式粥品味道来得浓郁。泡菜章鱼粥 以切粒章鱼加上泡菜熬煮,泡菜独特的酸辣感,令整碗粥风味变得更丰富。韩式传统煎饺子外皮酥脆,馅料饱满多汁,入口能品尝到粉丝、椰菜、韮菜与猪肉馅多种层次,一试难忘。HANA is famous for its authentic Busan-style porridge (juk in Korean), and the secret lies in their carefully selected Busan rice! Each bowl is perfectly cooked, giving the porridge a delicate and creamy texture. Busan abalone juk features fresh abalone which is sweet and chewy, mixed with a variety of vegetables to create a rich f
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