510 浏览
强势回归 首推限定赤虾拉面-One of the best best best ramen in Hong Kong and it really tasted like eating in Japan! Highly recommend the special edition - Shrimp Ramen! The soup smells great and super rich! The 3 shrimps were broiled and very fresh! The pork came from Spain and the meat texture is nice too. Last but not least, see the pretty egg yolk of the soft boiled egg and you can feel how good it is. ❤️-🦐 赤虾拉面 ($128) 追加特选 (+$35)赤虾拉面嘅汤底由店舖袐制赤虾汁加自家烹调超过10小时嘅猪骨汤组成 鲜虾味调上香浓猪骨汤 仲饮得出有啲牛油香味同滑溜感 一口饮落去已经被佢惊叹到❤️ 赤虾有三只
15 浏览
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One of the best best best ramen in Hong Kong and it really tasted like eating in Japan! Highly recommend the special edition - Shrimp Ramen! The soup smells great and super rich! The 3 shrimps were broiled and very fresh! The pork came from Spain and the meat texture is nice too. Last but not least, see the pretty egg yolk of the soft boiled egg and you can feel how good it is. ❤️
🦐 赤虾拉面 ($128) 追加特选 (+$35)
赤虾拉面嘅汤底由店舖袐制赤虾汁加自家烹调超过10小时嘅猪骨汤组成 鲜虾味调上香浓猪骨汤 仲饮得出有啲牛油香味同滑溜感 一口饮落去已经被佢惊叹到❤️ 赤虾有三只 虾味突出 同样有少少牛油香 加埋炙烧过嘅香气 非常满意😋 叉烧大块 虽然薄薄地 但一样有口感 店家话用咗西班牙梅头猪肉 又真系食得出肉味好鲜好好味😌 追加嘅溏心蛋绝对唔会令人失望 半流心嘅状态系完美嘅🥰 最后 个面条系幼身嘅 师傅煮得比较软身嚟配赤虾汤底 个人好钟意 亦觉得面条都有啲吸汤 食食下觉得汤越嚟越少 面上沾满浓浓嘅汤 整体表现超水准! 真系好似系日本食拉面嘅味道喔🇯🇵
🤰🏻 #大肚腩小分享
追加特选系有溏心蛋+叉烧+紫菜(+$35) 如果单追加溏心蛋都$15 叉烧要$22 咁加晒三样未免太吸引噜😚
早有闻说呢间系香港数一数二嘅拉面店 奈何大坑位置实在唔方便 系佢上年停业之前都未有机会试到 呢几日一听到佢系铜锣湾重开即刻准时去到等佢11点半开门😍 值得一提系店员嘅服务态度系200分😂👏🏻
限定拉面会间唔中转换 平时就有 豚骨 黑骨 赤骨 绿骨 四款长驻拉面 价钱$85-$88😉
❗️即日打完食评 下午3点钟系ig睇到佢地今日已经售罄啦 LUCKY ME❗️
😋 Ramen Nagi 拉面凪 @ramennaggihk
📍 铜锣湾渣甸坊48号采怡阁地下5号舖
#RamenNagi #RamenNagiHK
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