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阿妈钟意食佢嘅咖喱牛腩饭,所以去咗呢间翠华买。其实每次嚟到个印象都唔好。会见到啲客闹柜枱。服务态度好似好差。今次我也要投诉佢嘅白饭。食落去有一个波子型状嘅饭应该系隔夜饭?食落去系硬,又唔系唔熟,又唔系饭蕉。所以打电话去比意见。个听电话嘅就话啲饭系蒸。我梗系知啲饭系蒸,唔通系叮咩⋯⋯下次可能只买咖喱𩠌,唔买佢啲饭。My mom likes their curry beef brisket that I came to get for her. However everytime I came here I don’t have a good impression. Either customers are upset or giving shit to the cashier.This time I would like to complain about their rice. It felt like you are eating a marble of hard rice or the rice should be overnight. It doesn’t taste li
My mom likes their curry beef brisket that I came to get for her. However everytime I came here I don’t have a good impression. Either customers are upset or giving shit to the cashier.
This time I would like to complain about their rice. It felt like you are eating a marble of hard rice or the rice should be overnight. It doesn’t taste like uncooked rice at all.
So I called back the cashier and tell her the problem. She only told me the rice is steamed and not able to apologize or saying they will improve. I guess this lady has attitude issue that pissed off the customers I witnessed before.
Maybe I should just get the curry next time but not their rice.
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