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长沙湾呢几年新旧交替,有唔少新店开张,而呢间开左唔够一年嘅小店特别吸引到我,因为装潢设计与众不同⛺️,老板仲抌本用DOD日本品牌嘅露营用品添🇯🇵 虽然店舖唔算大,但一边听著陈奕迅一边叹下串烧啤酒已经够晒写意💆🏻♀️依家咁热去唔到露营,黎呢到顶著瘾先啦🤣Grill Point is a newly opened shop which uses “camping” as its main theme, decorated with outdoor chairs and tables. It’s not a big shop, but the vibes were nice and cozy. 串点set $288ppGrill Point Set呢个set就啱晒好似我呢啲乜都想试嘅人🥹 包左前菜、炸物、串烧、主食、炒杂菜同饮品,食咩就由厨师法办👨🏻🍳The chef will be responsible for choosing you an appetiser, fried food, skwewers, main, veggie and a drink. 口水鹅肠里面带有一层油脂,再
Grill Point is a newly opened shop which uses “camping” as its main theme, decorated with outdoor chairs and tables. It’s not a big shop, but the vibes were nice and cozy.
串点set $288pp
Grill Point Set
呢个set就啱晒好似我呢啲乜都想试嘅人🥹 包左前菜、炸物、串烧、主食、炒杂菜同饮品,食咩就由厨师法办👨🏻🍳
The chef will be responsible for choosing you an appetiser, fried food, skwewers, main, veggie and a drink.
口水鹅肠里面带有一层油脂,再加上爽口嘅外层变得油中带脆😄 酱汁甜中带辣,只有好微嘅麻辣感,反而香味更特出🌶️
Spicy goose intestine carries a layer of fat with a firm outer layer, and a little mala flavour.
蜜汁猪颈肉肥瘦相间,肉质鲜嫩爽脆🤌🏼 加上香甜蜜汁一齐烧就令外层变得好焦脆,更加惹味🍯
Honey pork jowl was very tender and fatty, grilled till the outer has gone crispy.
Chicken skin dumplings were fried till golden brown, and the filling was very juicy.
串烧嘅调味全部都系老板自己研发,运用唔同国家嘅口味去配搭适合嘅肉类🤘🏼脆骨鸡肉丸子混合左鸡胸软骨,口感丰富,搽埋照烧汁简直还原到居酒屋嘅鸡肉棒😇 两款嘅鸡肉串分别用左沙爹同冬阴功酱腌制,特制酱汁非常惹味,味道浓厚丰富😋
All the skewered were flavoured with specially made spices and sauces. There were chicken soft bone balls, Tom yum chicken and satay chicken.
Thick Spam and Egg Mala Noodles
厚餐肉炸得外脆内软,咸香味四溢🤪 公仔面用左麻辣酱调味,再笃爆煎蛋令蛋汁覆盖面条🍳如果去露营都识整到咁好食就好啦🤣
Thick cut fried spam filled my mouth with savouriness, and top it up with a runny sunny side up.
Zucchini was extra sweet and juicy after being on the grill, great to have after all the intense flavours.
Lobster Salad
酱汁用左芥末同蛋黄酱,香甜中带点辣,非常醒胃👅 里面有粒粒龙虾肉,用紫菜包住黎食可以提升口感🥳
Sauce was sweet and spicy, with bits of lobster meat. Wrapping it within the seaweed enhanced the texture.
Wagyu Beef Tongue
The fattiest part of the beef tongue had a bouncy bite, super beefy and umami.