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头先同friends食宵夜叫牛筋面,估唔到佢变咗做毛筋面!!! is not just nasty.... And the way that 阿姐 said it..." 牛筋一定有毛架啦,个个都咁食㗎啦!头先𠮶个客𠮶碗仲多毛啦佢咪照食晒" ...... I was like that freaking ridiculous!!! 跟住个friend 仲要玩嘢话嚟食毛架嘛。越多毛越好食!and the 阿姐话"咪系"..... Since when Hk became like this??? I have never eaten any beef tendon have any hair tho.......😠😠😠
is not just nasty.... And the way that 阿姐 said it..." 牛筋一定有毛架啦,个个都咁食㗎啦!头先𠮶个客𠮶碗仲多毛啦佢咪照食晒" ...... I was like that freaking ridiculous!!! 跟住个friend 仲要玩嘢话嚟食毛架嘛。越多毛越好食!and the 阿姐话"咪系"..... Since when Hk became like this??? I have never eaten any beef tendon have any hair tho.......😠😠😠