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久违嘅劣评🤡呢间餐厅真系食物环境定系服务质素都好劣 -👉🏻burnt onion risotto💲238• soft poached Japanese egg, crispy shallots, sesame furikake👉🏻Okinawa pork loin💲288• creamy polenta, roasted pineapple, chipotle pepper sauce, charred corn and coriander👉🏻spring chicken💲238• charred tomato and mint chutney, warm fingerling potato salad, pickled red onion, fenugreek👉🏻mashed potato💲78• oregano & bay leaf👉🏻banana parfait💲88• frozen banana mousse, walnut and espresso meringue, caramel praline-店员嘅服务态度好差 入到去成间餐厅都有位但因为冇安心出行就叫我坐正厕所门口
👉🏻burnt onion risotto💲238
• soft poached Japanese egg, crispy shallots, sesame furikake
👉🏻Okinawa pork loin💲288
• creamy polenta, roasted pineapple, chipotle pepper sauce, charred corn and coriander
👉🏻spring chicken💲238
• charred tomato and mint chutney, warm fingerling potato salad, pickled red onion, fenugreek
👉🏻mashed potato💲78
• oregano & bay leaf
👉🏻banana parfait💲88
• frozen banana mousse, walnut and espresso meringue, caramel praline
店员嘅服务态度好差 入到去成间餐厅都有位但因为冇安心出行就叫我坐正厕所门口 明明book咗枱同我朋友庆祝生日remark咗三次 想坐个靓啲嘅位都唔得🤡虽然庆祝生日佢会另外送碟雪糕 但系jit得劲求其
食物方面onion risotto的确系几好食好香蒜味同埋好creamy 不过其他嘢食都唔太得 猪肉好似太生红到见血 鸡肉几嫩但系鸡皮多过鸡肉 成餐碟碟都有薯蓉但薯蓉个汁好奇怪好苦 最好笑系个甜品 完全冇谂过parfait会系咁嘅样仲要劲细碟 自己整都冇咁离谱
价钱又唔系特别平 我谂以后都唔会再去🤡
Kinship (中环)