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◽️今次要介绍嘅系英国马莎嘅圣诞产品。临近圣诞,都想为屋企增添一丝圣诞气氛嘅摆设同零食,我哋就添置咗英国马莎两款又睇得又食得嘅产品。Marks and Spencer is introducing their new Christmas products. Chrismas is approaching, and we have decided to decorate the place with two products from Marks and Spencer.◾️圣诞老人不倒翁黑朱古力碎牛油香酥饼 (Santa Wobbler Tin Butter Shortbread with Black Chocolate) $159牛油嘅味道颇香,因为用上黑朱古力碎,所以味道唔会好甜,几适合我哋嘅口味。而且质感亦比想像中香脆,大小刚好一口一块,唔怕搞到地板都系饼干碎。用作包装嘅饼干罐仲系一个圣诞老人造型嘅不倒翁,认真玩得又食得。The shortbread has an intense buttery flavour. After mixed with crushed black choc
Marks and Spencer is introducing their new Christmas products. Chrismas is approaching, and we have decided to decorate the place with two products from Marks and Spencer.
圣诞老人不倒翁黑朱古力碎牛油香酥饼 (Santa Wobbler Tin Butter Shortbread with Black Chocolate) $159
The shortbread has an intense buttery flavour. After mixed with crushed black chocolate, the shortbread does not taste as sweet as the normal one. It is crunchier than expected. Since it is made to be finger-sized, you can simply eat it with one bite. The package of the shortbread is a Santa wobbler tin, which makes the whole product fun to play and tasty to eat.
圣诞老人日历朱古力 (Santa Advent Calendar) $59
The Santa Advent Calendar has 24 boxes with a piece of chocolate in each of it. Chocolates are printed with different shapes and it has a sweeter flavour. Kids will love this gift.