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**兰王蛋素烟肉凯撒沙律 (Caesar Salad with Lan Wang Egg and Vegetarian Bacon)**:这道沙律清新爽口,兰王蛋的滑嫩与素烟肉的香脆形成了绝妙的对比,凯撒酱的调味恰到好处,让人一口接一口。The soft Lan Wang egg and crispy vegetarian bacon create a delightful contrast, making this Caesar salad irresistibly refreshing.**秘制北京烤鸭薄饼 (Signature Peking Duck Pizza)**:这道薄饼真是惊艳,烤鸭的香气与薄饼的酥脆完美融合,每一口都能感受到秘制酱料的独特风味,绝对是必点之选。The Peking duck's aroma and the crispy pizza base are a match made in heaven, with the special sauce adding a unique twist.**泰式柚子蟹肉沙律 (Thai Pomelo and Crab Me
**兰王蛋素烟肉凯撒沙律 (Caesar Salad with Lan Wang Egg and Vegetarian Bacon)**:这道沙律清新爽口,兰王蛋的滑嫩与素烟肉的香脆形成了绝妙的对比,凯撒酱的调味恰到好处,让人一口接一口。The soft Lan Wang egg and crispy vegetarian bacon create a delightful contrast, making this Caesar salad irresistibly refreshing.
**秘制北京烤鸭薄饼 (Signature Peking Duck Pizza)**:这道薄饼真是惊艳,烤鸭的香气与薄饼的酥脆完美融合,每一口都能感受到秘制酱料的独特风味,绝对是必点之选。The Peking duck's aroma and the crispy pizza base are a match made in heaven, with the special sauce adding a unique twist.
**泰式柚子蟹肉沙律 (Thai Pomelo and Crab Meat Salad)**:这道沙律充满了泰式风情,柚子的清香与蟹肉的鲜甜相得益彰,让人仿佛置身于热带海滩。The fresh pomelo and sweet crab meat bring a taste of Thailand, making you feel like you're on a tropical beach.
**法式香草烤春鸡配薯菜 (French Herb Roasted Spring Chicken with Vegetables)**:春鸡烤得外皮酥脆,内里鲜嫩多汁,香草的香气渗透每一丝肉质,搭配的薯菜也十分美味。The spring chicken is roasted to perfection with a crispy skin and juicy interior, infused with the aroma of herbs, and the accompanying vegetables are equally delicious.